United B777 5 640United Airlines Triple Seven running hot

United Airlines flight UA328, operated by B777 N772UA (msn 26930) from Denver (CO) to Honolulu (HI) with ten crew and 231 passengers, experienced an uncontained #2 (right hand) engine failure and emergency return back to Denver, where it landed safely at runway 26.

It had left Denver earlier from runway 25 when the right hand engine's (PW4077) inlet separated, associated with the failure of the engine, for which the crew declared a Mayday.

The aircraft stopped the climb at about 13,000 feet, with the crew requesting to return to Denver after running the checklists. ATC offered any runway, they would make it happen.

United B777 1 320 United B777 2 320

The aircraft returned to Denver for a safe landing, about 23 minutes after departure and stopped on the runway for a check by emergency services.

The engine inlet fell into the neighbourhood of Broomfield, located about fifteen miles west of Denver.

United B777 3 320 United B777 4 320

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