Argentina UC 12B TC 117 640Delivery of first Argentine Air Force Huron

Pucará Comunicación & Defensa published a photo of the delivery of the first Beechcraft UC-12B Huron (serial TC-117) to the Fuerza Aérea Argentina (FAA, Argentine Air Force) at El Palomar air base.

On 23 April 2021, Scramble Magazine reported on the purchase of ten Beechcraft TC-12B/UC-12B Hurons from the USA. The Hurons, all former US Navy aircraft, are stored at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base (AZ). Personnel of the 309th AMARG will bring the aircraft to airworthiness, after which they will be flown over to a maintenance centre for reconditioning to adapt them to the requirements of the FAA, mainly with regard to compliance with the Military Airworthiness Directives.

The final aircraft is expected to be delivered by 2024. TC-117 (construction number BJ-59 and ex BuNo 161511) is the only UC-12B Huron, all other are TC-12B Hurons. In the Scramble Magazine news item of 23 April 2021 an overview is given of all involved aircraft, including their future serials, construction numbers and previous identities.

The newly acquired Hurons will be operated by I Brigada Aérea at El Palomar. It is not known yet to which Escuadron the aircraft will be assigned.

Photo via Pucará Comunicación & Defensa

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