Slovakia KAI FA 50 13 002 RKTU 24Oct13 Ronald Stevelink 640Will Slovakia buy KAI FA-50?

South Korea’s sole aircraft manufacturer, Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) is negotiating with the Slovakian Government for the sale of ten KAI FA-50 fighter/attack aircraft to the Vzdušné sily Ozbrojených sil Slovenskej Republiky (SAF, Slovak Air Force). A possible contract is valued at USD 500 million.

The SAF wants to replace its ageing fleet of L-39 Albatros trainer aircraft. Currently, the air force operates six L-39 trainers, two L-39ZAM and four L-39CM.

On 2 November 2021, South Korea's president Moon Jae-in arrived in Budapest (Hungary) for his European tour. On Thursday he was guest to a summit with the prime ministers of Hungary, Czechia, Poland and Slovakia (members of the Visegrád Group). This was the second summit between South Korea and the group.

In October 2021, Yonhap News Agency reported that KAI was seeking to export the FA-50 to the SAF. During the visit of the South Korean president, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between KAI and LOTN on 3 November 2021. Through this MoU, KAI seeks to discuss industrial cooperation plans with LOTN for the FA-50’s participation in the procurement competition for advanced trainer and light attack aircraft and to facilitate industrial offset negotiations.

It is expected that Slovakia issues a request for proposals (RFP) in the beginning of 2022.

Photo by Ronald Stevelink (Scramble Archive)

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