Ethiopian to convert 2 B767-300ERs into freighters

According to CargoFacts, Ethiopian Airlines has signed a contract with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to convert two of its B767-300ERs into freighters. The conversion will take place at Addis Abeba and will commence later this year.

The airline has decided to convert the aircraft due to the increase in demand for air cargo capacity. It means the third all-cargo type for the carrier next to its three B737-800SFs and nine B777Fs.

Ethiopian Airlines currently has three B767-300ERs. ET-ALJ (33767) is owned and operated for the United Nations, leaving ET-ALO (33768) and ET-ALP (33769) as the best candidates for conversion. These two have been part of the fleet since 2004 and 2005.

Photo by Freek Blokzijl, kindly provided by

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