NHV receives new Airbus H145D3
Noordzee Helicopters Vlaanderen, or NHV for short announced that they have received a brandnew Airbus H145D3 helicopter, registered as OO-NSP (MSN 21369). It arrived at NHV's homebase Oostende on 16 December 2024.
The latest member of the NHV fleet was officially accepted at the Airbus Helicopters facility in Donauwörth on 12 December. The machine is completely new as it was built this year. It was testflown at Donauwörth as D-HADP. OO-NSP is not owned by NHV but leased from LCI Aviation.
The new H145D3 will soon begin its service for the Dutch Shipping Pilots contract, starting 1 January 2025. As part of the ongoing fleet modernization strategy, the H145 will replace the Dauphin AS365 N3s, ensuring to offer the safest and most advanced operations.
Under this contract NHV continues to provide seamless transportation of crew between ships and onshore facilities in Rotterdam. To be prepared for the larger H145, a new hangar was recently built at the Pistoolhaven heliport. It has a considerably increased surface area available for both housing and maintenance.
Photo: NHV Group