NED DC3 salute 1150PH-PBA, the end of an era

As already announced by Scramble on 17 February 2024, this year was destined to be the last year of operating Holland's most popular Dakota, PH-PBA 'Princes Amalia'. Now, after a very succesful flying season the show is over for DDA Classic Airlines. On 16 October the 'PBA' made its final passenger carrying flight from Maastricht-Aachen to Schiphol Airport.

On her last operational flight the 'Grand Old Lady' was flown by captain Tom van Hoorn and his crew. As one can imagine, the farewellflight and the arrival of the Dak was witnessed by a crowd of DDA volunteers and spectators (behind the fence). When taxiing towards the crowd, 'Princes Amalia' was greeted by a Schiphol crashtender that gave her an ultimate watery salute. It was an emotional moment for all those present!

What the future holds for PH-PBA is still unknown.

Photo: still from Schiphol Youtube footage.

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