was in Zaragoza this weekend and found out about an openday at the airbase on 31-5. Not a "big" airshow, but some nice displays could be seen in between the rainshowers. As I am not an hardcore mil-spotter the list is surely not 100% correct, but may be of use for anyone...
Zaragoza, 31 mei 2008
62-1847 RS C-130E USAF s
900528 C-26D US Navy s
C.14-38 14-20 Mirage F-1M FAE f
C.14-43 14-24 Mirage F-1M FAE s
C.15-27 15-14 EF-18A FAE f
C.15-35 15-22 EF-18A FAE s
C.15-37 15-24 EF-18A FAE f
C.15-47 15-31 EF-18A FAE s
C.15-67 15-33 EF-18A FAE f
C.16-29 11-09 EF2000 FAE f
CE.15-7 15-76 EF-18B FAE s
CE.16-07 11-76 EF2000(T) FAE s
E.25-06 79-06/2 CASA 101EB FAE s+f
E.25-08 79-08/7 CASA 101EB FAE s+f
E.25-14 79-14/5 CASA 101EB FAE s+f
E.25-21 79-21/8 CASA 101EB FAE s+f
E.25-25 79-25/3 CASA 101EB FAE s+f
E.25-26 79-26/6 CASA 101EB FAE s+f
E.25-27 79-27/1 CASA 101EB FAE s+f
E.25-29 79-29/4 CASA 101EB FAE s+f
E.25-73 79-98 CASA 101EB FAE s
HD.21-2 803-2 AS332B FAE s+f
HS.23-03 SH-60B Armada s
T.10-10 31-07 C-130H FAE s
T.12B-47 72-06 CASA 212-100 FAE s
T.12B-49 72-07 CASA 212-100 FAE s
T.21-12 35-50 Casa 295M FAE f
TK.10-11 31-53 KC-130H FAE s
TK.10-12 31-54 KC-130H FAE f
TL.10-01 31-01 C-130H-30 FAE f
UD.13-27 43-27 CL-215T FAE s
UD.13T-23 43-23 CL-215T FAE s+f
VA.1B-29 01-919 EAV-8B Armada s
VA.1B-36 01-924 EAV-8B Armada f
s+f=static and flying
after display, most aircraft taxied in front of the crowd, opening the cockpit giving a nice change for some photos, before taxiing back to the other side of the (huge!) airbase.