Couple noted from 0845 to 1300LT then closed rest of the day
CS-DXZ Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE958K arr 0848
G-OJAJ Falcon 2000EX TAG Aviation (UK) Ltd dep 1123
CS-DRC 125 Hawker 800XPi Netjets Europe NJE743G arr 1000 dep as NJE660K at 1147
CS-DMA Be400XP Netjets Europe NJE586Y arr 1031 dep as NJE718W at 1225
VP-BKZ G-V Dennis Vanguard (International) arr 1111 dep 1213
CS-DXK Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE707B arr 1126 dep 1250 as NJE766B
CS-DLB Falcon 2000EX Netjets Europe NJE688N dep 1245