Visitors noted for this day
N37172 Be350 arr around 0805(ish) from EGKB dep 0832 to EGNR then returned at 1535 dep 16??
HB-JGI Falcon 7X Rabbit Air RBB121 arr 0809 from LFSB? dep 17??
CS-DLD Falcon 2000EX Netjets Europe NJE??? arr 1127 dep 1515
OM-ALE Be200 Financial Public Services Spol arr 1335 Nightstop
CS-DLH Falcon 2000EX Netjets Europe NJE637R arr 1345 dep 1???
N435QS G450 Netjets arr 1426 Nightstop
CS-DX? Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE351W arr 1647
CS-DRJ 125 Hawker 800XPi Netjets Europe NJE603W arr 1700 Nightstop
OO-RAM Ce510 Mustang arr 1730 dep 18??
VQ-BGN G-550 dep 1852 to LFMN
N709DS BD700 GEX dep 1924
CS-DXI Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE??? arr 1946