Announcement on the Airfix blog: Flying Legends Sywell 2021 has been CANCELLED. Quote from ... 021%2F2022:
Can you believe that we already find ourselves at the midway point of another year? Unfortunately, just as everything appeared to be getting nicely back on track for us aviation enthusiasts, we received the distressing news last week that this year’s Flying Legends Airshow, the first one planned to take place at Sywell Aerodrome in Northamptonshire, has fallen victim to the continuing national uncertainties. With the logistics of running any Airshow being a truly mind boggling exercise and the team behind this Warbird extravaganza also having to contend with a relocation of this huge event, I am assuming that crowd number and aircraft operator uncertainties meant that there were just too many ‘unknowns’ to contend with and with the show only six weeks away, they had to act. It is such a shame for them and for their loyal army of followers, but when the show returns next year, we will all be back in our thousands, looking forward to marking a new chapter in the history of this world famous Airshow.