Show Reports

Gen.Rodriguez Ildefonso Durana 2010

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Date: 20 March 2010

Made by:


E-074 			Beech B45 	EAM      
T-133 	                RC500U 		VI BA       
AE-446 	                UH-1H 		GHA601       
GN-928 	                AS350B3 	Gendarmeria
GN-925 	                EC135T2 	Gendarmeria
1307/7, 1326/2 		T-27 		EDA Fumaça
1327/4, 1360/5 		T-27 		EDA Fumaça
1371/1, 1381/6 		T-27 		EDA Fumaça
1435/3 			T-27 		EDA Fumaça     
LC-CAT                  Beech B200 	nn       
LQ-BIS                  AS350B3 	Policia B.A.
LV-MLG                  PA-34-200T 	nn       
LV-MNZ                  Ce337H 		nn           
LV-WYO                  Ce208B 		nn           
LV-X328 		DH.82A 		nn
LV-YTR 			I.Ae.20 	nn
LV-ZCP 			Fleet 10A 	nn

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