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Zeltweg 2003

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Date: 27/28 June 2003

Made by: Scr

Updated: 3 June 2004

Frecce Tricolori, Italian AF
One of the most famous aerobatic teams in the world are the Frecce Tricolori. Their Italian MB339s are beautifully caught at Zeltweg in this late evening picture.

Photo Andreas Zeitler

188912, 188940		CF-188B		416sq                   
29+25		        MiG-29GT	JG73            
38+68	                F-4F		JG74                    
43+55	                Tornado IDS	MFG2		spec mks
44+31*	                Tornado IDS	JBG31		spec mks
46+31	                Tornado ECR	JBG32           
240	                Beech 200	102sq/IAC       
A-301	                SE3160		300sq                   
G-273	                C-130H-30	334sq           
L-13	                PC-7		131EMVOsq               
Q-21	                AH-64D	        302sq           
0620	                W-3WA	        3OSL?/PolishAF  
0821	                Mi-17	        3VrK/SlovakAF   
0832	                Mi-24V	        3VrK/SlovakAF   
H2-36/36	        Bell 412EP	15BRVL/SlovenAF 
L9-62/62	        PC-9M		15BRVL/SlovenAF         
T.10-02/31-02	        C-130H		311Esc                  
12-13187	        C-130E		222 Filo                
3051		        NF-5A		Türk Yildizlari         
ZH867		        Hercules C4	LTW		dep 27th
ZE693/714	        S Harrier F/A2	nb/899sq        
ZH800/719	        S Harrier F/A2	nb/899sq        
70-1264/RS	        C-130E		37th AS                 
86-0156/LN, 86-0175/LN	F-15C	        493rd FS      
91-0352/SP		F-16CJ	        52nd FW "52FW"
91-0410/SP		F-16CJ	        23rd FS       
35531			J35J	        preserved               
37447/35	        JA37	        F21 (F16 mks)           
84003/843	        Tp84	        F7                      
T-339		        AS532UL		nn                              
03, 10	                J35Ö	        FlRgt 2/1               
3C-JJ	                AB206A	        FlRgt 1/2               
3C-OK	                OH-58B	        FlRgt 1/3	spec mks
3C-OL	                OH-58B	        FlRgt 1/3               
3E-KN	                SA316B	        FlRgt 2/2               
3G-EJ	                PC-6/B2-H2	FlRgt 1/4               
3G-EL	                PC-6/B2-H2	FlRgt 1/4	spec mks
3H-FG	                PC-7		FlS		spec mks                
3H-FK		        PC-7	        FlS                     
5D-HJ	                AB212	        FlRgt 3		KFOR mks        
5S-TB	                SC-7-3M	        FlRgt 1/4               
6M-BC	                S-70A	        FlRgt 1/1               
8T-CA	                C-130K	        FlRgt 3/LTrSt           
BJ-40	                Saab 105Ö	FlRgt 3                 
D-IADM	                Alpha Jet A	ex Germany 41+11        
D-IBDM	                Alpha Jet A	ex Germany 41+30        
D-EDLL		        PT-17		nn		75-2764                 
G-CVIX		        Sea Vixen D3	ex UK XP924             
HB-RVA		        Venom FB50	ex Swiss J-1630         
N51ES		        P-51D		ex 44-63684                     
N6123C		        B-25J		ex 44-86893                     
OE-EAS		        F4U-4		ex USN 96995                    
SE-BZP		        Stinson V77	ex UK FB536             
SP-YRK		        Bü131		nn                              
* = also flying

Hangar behind static:
12			J35Ö		FlRgt 2/1	spec mks
02, 07, 22		J35Ö		FlRgt 2
3H-FJ			PC-7		FlS

Hangar behind C-130s (closed):
GA-11			Saab 105Ö	wreck

Flightline 1 far side:
R214/64-GN		C-160R		ET00.064	arr 27th
MMX603/345		EF2000		RSV		DA-7
J-016			F-16AM		323sq		spec mks
J-063			F-16AM		322sq		spec mks
ZH796			S Harrier F/A2	nb/899sq
ZH802/711		S Harrier F/A2	899sq
04, 08			J35Ö		FlRgt 2/1
GF-16			Saab 105Ö	FlRgt 3		tiger mks
RG-27			Saab 105Ö	FlRgt 3

Flightline 2 far side:
45+36, 45+47		Tornado IDS	MFG2
37410/10		JA37		F21 (F16 mks)
37411/11		JA37		F21		spec mks
3E-KH, 3E-KO		SA316B		FlRgt 2
3E-KP, 3E-KU		SA316B		FlRgt 2
3G-EH			PC-6/B2-H2	FlRgt 1/4
5D-HI			AB212		FlRgt 3
OE-KCD			Saab 91D	ex 3F-SU
OE-KHO			Saab 91D	ex 3F-SQ
OE-KSD			Saab 91D	ex 3F-SH
OE-KSS			Saab 91D	ex 3F-SV
207			PT-17		nn

Flightline in front of tower:
MM62144/RS-44		G222TCM		311°Gr RSV
MM55078/RS-29		MB339CD		311°Gr RSV
06, 09, 11		J35Ö		FlRgt 2/1
14, 18, 23		J35Ö		FlRgt 2/2
3H-FF			PC-7		FlS
5D-HW			AB212		FlRgt 1
On Friday, Draken 24 was flying in the morning instead of 18.

Helicopter flightline far side:
3C-OC, 3C-OG		OH-58B		FlRgt 1/3
3C-OH, 3C-OJ		OH-58B	        FlRgt 1/3
5D-HG, 5D-HH, 5D-HP	AB212	        FlRgt 1  
5D-HQ, 5D-HR, 5D-HT	AB212	        FlRgt 1  
5D-HV, 5D-HZ		AB212	        FlRgt 1  
6M-BA, 6M-BB, 6M-BD	S-70A	        FlRgt 1/1
6M-BE, 6M-BF, 6M-BG	S-70A	        FlRgt 1/1
6M-BI			S-70A	        FlRgt 1/1

Soccer field:
3C-JB, 3C-JH		AB206A		FlRgt 1/2
3C-OB, 3C-OI		OH-58B	        FlRgt 1/3
3E-KB, 3E-KF		SE3160	        FlRgt 2/1
3E-KI, 3E-KK		SE3160	        FlRgt 2/1

Grassfield near gate:
5D-HB, 5D-HL		AB212		FlRgt 3
5D-HN, 5D-HO		AB212		FlRgt 3

Team Aguila with C101EB Aviojets:
E.25-08/79-08/1	E.25-14/79-14/2	E.25-23/79-23/3
E.25-22/79-22/4	E.25-86/79-32/5	E.25-01/79-01/6
E.25-07/79-07/6	E.25-25/79-25/7

Patrouille Suisse with F-5E Tigers:
J-3081	J-3082	J-3083	J-3084
J-3085	J-3086	J-3087

Türk Yildizlari (or: Turkish Stars) with NF-5A/B($)s:
3013	3015	3016	3027	3036
3039	3042	4005$	4017$

The Frecce Tricolori with MB339A's:
MM54545/0	MM54479/1	MM54546/2	MM54486/3
MM54536/4	MM54542/5	MM54485/6	MM54480/7
MM54482/8	MM54477/9	MM54475/10

The Red Arrows with Hawk T1(#)/T1A/T1W($)s (27th only):
XX179$	XX227	XX253	XX260	XX264
XX266	XX292$	XX294#	XX306	XX308#

And finally also the Patrouille de France with these Alpha Jets:
E120/F-TERG/0	E160/F-TERB/1	E75/F-TERW/2
E41/F-TERA/3	E117/F-TERI/4	E134/F-TERM/5
E122/F-TERD/6	E135/F-TERX/7	E169/F-TERQ/8

D-EGVN			Do27J-1		ex Belgium OL-DO9 (2106)
OE-AKA			Fi156C-3	ex SwedAF 3814
Plus some civil Zlin 50s and Sukhois for aerobatics.

Flying only:
F-GSTD/4		A300B4-608ST	Airbus Transport
6x			Saab 105Ö	FlRgt 3
The Saabs were flying from Linz and some confusion exists about their identity.
On Friday some people had a base visit at Linz and saw the following Saabs during
take-off: YB-02, YG-07, GB-12, GD-14, GG-17 and RC-23. While these aircraft were
taking-off, the RF-26 and RH-28 were stand-by as spares. It is not known if they went
into the air or not and which six of these eight Saabs ended up in the skies over
Zeltweg. However, somebody else saw BB-32 during take-off instead of the YB-02!
All say that they are 100% sure about the logs (and the BB-32 was captured on picture),
so perhaps the logs were made at different times and different flights (practise and
real demo?).

In crew hangar:
3A-BM			L-19E		preserved
3F-SR			Saab 91D	preserved

In VIP-tent:
OE-ESA			T-28B		ex USN 138179

MM62189/46-55		C-130J		50°Gr		28th only

35339			J35D		preserved "25"
35513			J35J		wfu
3A-BB			G46-4B		preserved	gate
3A-CO			L-19A		preserved

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