Show Reports

Sakhir 2010

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Date: 22 January 2010

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302		AB212			3rd Helicopter Sq
305		AB212			3rd Helicopter Sq
1062		Bo105CC			10th Helicopter Sq
1063		Bo105C			10th Helicopter Sq
687		F-5E			6th TFS
113		F-16C			1st TFS
115		F-16C			1st TFS
201		F-16C			2nd TFS
503		Hawk Mk129		5th Squadron
403		T67M260			4th Squadron
A9C-AWL		BAe146-RJ100		Bahrain Amiri Rl. Flt.
A9C-BRN		G550			Bahrain Amiri Rl. Flt.
A9C-KOB		S-92A			Bahrain Amiri Rl. Flt.
BPS-08		Bell 412EP		Bahrain Public Sec.
5163/61-PJ	C-130H			ET02.061
R207		C-160R			ET00.064
108/113-HS	Rafale C		EC01.007
116/113-HG	Rafale C		EC01.007
133		Falcon 10 MER		57S
94-0067		C-17A			437th AW
84-0118		C-21A			457th AS
74-1667		C-130H			39th AS
85-1448		F-16C			175th FS SD ANG
86-0254		F-16C			175th FS SD ANG
166434/NH-200	F/A-18E			VFA-14
166842/NH-100	F/A-18F			VFA-41
166846/NH-103	F/A-18F			VFA-41
305 bl		Su-27SKM		Sukhoi			36911040102
A6-RTS		Falcon 900DX		Dasnair
A7-CEB		CL-605			Qatar Executive
A7-FZB		Ce310			Gulf States Civil Avia.
A7-RZB		BAe125 900XP		Rizon Air
A9C-BAU		A320-214		Bahrain Air
A9C-BXG		CL-604			Bexair
D-AVZP		A321-200		Airbus, white		4067
G-MXPH		Strikemaster Mk84	ex 311 RSiAF
G-SOAF		Strikemaster Mk90	ex 524 Oman AF
HB-JFO		CL-300			TAG Aviation
HB-JGE		Global Express		TAG Aviation
N6UE		Ce208B			Cessna Aircraft
N86LF		Raytheon 4000		Cessna Aircraft
N246CZ		Ce525B			Cessna Aircraft
N450GD		G450			Gulfstream
N510KZ		Ce510			Cessna Aircraft
N60125		Beech 350		Cessna Aircraft
N6405K		BAe 750			Hawker Beechcraft
N9661S		Ce680			Cessna Aircraft
OO-DLW		A300B4-203		DHL
PT-TQE		ERJ170LR		Gulf Air
VP-BCO		G550			n/t
VP-CEP		G150			B2 Management
YI-AQC		CRJ900NG		Iraqi Airways
9H-AFM		A318-112CJ		Comlux Av. Malta

The 88sq/Saudi Hawks, Hawks Mk65/A*:
8805*, 8806*, 8807, 8808, 8810, 8811*, 8813, 8814

Patrouille de France/EPAA20.300, Alpha Jet E:
E114/0, E165/1, E134/2, E122/3, E41/4, E135/5, E163/6, E46/7, E95/8, E130/9

The Su-27 was also wearing code 371 on its intake, which is the Paris airshow code, but 305 blue
was in our database, so we kept that code.

Medevac Duty:
1061		Bo105C			10th Helicopter Sq.
1064		Bo105C			10th Helicopter Sq.

322		AB212			3rd Helicopter Sq.

Flying only:
684		F-5E			6th TFS
685		F-5E			6th TFS
686		F-5E			6th TFS
202		F-16C			2nd TFS
209		F-16C			2nd TFS
210		F-16C			2nd TFS
502		Hawk Mk129		5th Squadron
504		Hawk Mk129		5th Squadron
506		Hawk Mk129		5th Squadron
..../EL		B-1B			37th BS
A9C-LE		A340-312		Gulf Air
JY-RFC +3	EA300			Royal Jordanian Falcons

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