Date: 3 May 2008
Made by: Scramble
Stampe and Ercoupe participants: D-EBUT SV-4 D-EODN SV-4C G-BNYZ SV-4E Tapestry mks N383DK SV-4C as France 383 OO-BPL SV-4 as BAF OO-EIR SV-4B as BAF V4/4 OO-GWA SV-4C as BAF V66/66 OO-GWB SV-4B as BAF (V29)/29 OO-GWC SV-4C as France 1 OO-KAT SV-4E OO-LUK SV-4B as BAF V41/41 OO-MON SV-4B OO-MMD SV-4C OO-PAM SV-4B as BAF V48/48 OO-PAX SV-4B as BAF (V5)/5 OO-SPM SV-4C as FAF 349 OO-SVB SV-4B as BAF (V43)/43 SE-BFX Ercoupe OO-PUS Ercoupe Others: F-AZJV DHC-1 ex Portugal 1375 G-BUOS Spitfire PR18 ex RAF SM845 HB-RCB P3-05 ex Swiss A-859 N128CX Nieuport 28C2 as USAAF 14 N167F "414450" P-51D ex 44-73877 N2070P TH-13T ex 64-17847 N4109C AT-6G ex SAAF 7727 N9912H B75N1 ex USN Bu07609 N56028 "42-014/295" PT-22 ex 41-20805 N56608 "137" PT-17 ex 41-25387 OO-LVP L-21B ex MM54-2393 OO-OPS "985" N2S-2 ex 42-16930 OO-TGM DH82A ex RAF BB731 OO-VOR Fiat G46-4A ex MM55293 PH-DHC DHC-2 Mk1 as KLu "S-9" PH-FLG L-18C ex 51-15445 PH-TBR AT-16 ex KLu B-182 The annual fl y-in at Antwerp attracted a good selection of Stampe aircraft and other oldtimers. Many other small civil aircraft were also present at this event.
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