Show Reports

Goetsenhoven 1995

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Date: 28 June 1995

Made by: Scramble

Updated: 1 August 2002

Static north-east side:
A57, A70              SA318C       nm
B01/LA                BN-2B-21     nm
G01                   Ce182Q       Rijkswacht
G02                   SA330L       Rijkswacht
H11                   A109HA       nm
OO-ATY                PA-18-95     ex OL-L47
OO-DAA                PA-18-125    'R-213'
OO-KIW                PA-18-95     ex OL-L04
OO-LDT                PA-18-95     ex OL-L12
OO-MCL                MS.733       Noyelle
OO-SPJ                PA-18-95
OO-RBH                PA-18-95     ex OL-L20

Static/flightline platform:
MT49                  CM170R       33sm
ST12                  SF260M       5sm           s/c
ST22, ST33, ST35      SF260M       5sm  Swallows c/s
ST46                  SF260D       5sm
T-401,T-409           T-17         FLSK
82/315-WY, 84/315-XA  TB30         GI315
139/315-ZD,155/315-ZR TB30         GI315
L-02, L-08            PC-7         EMVO
1405, 1418            TB30         Esq101
XX689/3, XX532/7      Bulldog T1   CFS
ZF406, ZF484          Tucano T1    1FTS

MT49                  CM170R
ST14                  SF260M       gate guard

CS03                  BAe748       21sm
LB02                  L-21B        Luchtkadetten
PL84                  Twin Astir   Luchtkadetten
ST02, ST04            SF260M       5sm
ST06, ST15            SF260M       5sm
ST17, ST18            SF260M       5sm
ST20, ST21            SF260M       5sm
ST23, ST24            SF260M       5sm
ST25, ST26            SF260M       5sm
ST30, ST31            SF260M       5sm
ST32, ST36            SF260M       5sm
OO-DAF                AT-16ND      Voormezeele
OO-WIL                SV.4B        'V42'

Flying only:
AT09, AT12            Alpha Jet    9w
AT29  (+1)            Alpha Jet    9w
3803, 3837            F-4F         JG72
2x		      F-16	   nn
XX161/DQ, XX295/DA    Hawk T1      208(R)sq
XX.../DP              Hawk T1      208(R)sq
XX193/CB              Hawk T1      100sq

ST16, ST27            SF260M       5sm

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