Show Reports

Melsbroek 2002

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Date: 28/29 September 2002

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Main Ramp/Static:
5140/61-PD		C-130H-30	ET02.061         
G-273		        C-130H-30	334sq            
16804		        C-130H		Esq501           
86-1391		        C-130H		180th AS MO ANG  
CA02		        A310-222	21sm	29th only
CD01		        Falcon 900B	21sm             
CE01		        ERJ135LR	21sm	28th only
CE02		        ERJ135LR	21sm             
CE03, CE04	        ERJ145LR	21sm             
CF02		        SA226T		wfu              
CH02, CH03 	        C-130H		20sm             
CH04		        C-130H		20sm	29th only
CH05, CH07, CH08	C-130H		20sm
CH10, CH12		C-130H		20sm            
CM01		        Falcon 20E	21sm            
CS02		        HS748-2A	wfu             
G01		        Ce182Q		Federale Politie
G11		        MD900		Federale Politie
MT49		        CM170		21Log Wing      
RS02		        Sea King Mk48	40sm            
CP10/OT-CAJ	        C-119G		preserved       
RM7/OT-ZAG	        Pembroke C51	preserved       
G-BWZZ		        J Provost T3A	ex XM470/12     

Gendarmerie Hangar:
G03, G04		Ce182R		Federale Politie
G12			MD900		Federale Politie
G14, G15		MD520N		Federale Politie
G94			SA318C		preserved

CH01, CH11		C-130H		20sm
CF04, CF05, CF06	SA226T		wfu
CM02			Falcon 20E	21sm
PL68			ASW19		Luchtkadetten

MM62150/14-03		B707T/T		8°Gr	29th

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