Date: 20 October 2007
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Flightlines & Static: FAB66 C-130B GAT71 FAB467, FAB470 PC-7 GAC34 camo c/s FAB614 T-33A fuselage FAB634 T-33A GAC31 special mks Near / Inside Hangars (h): FAB... Beech 90 o/h h FAB018 Beech 200 Esc 310 FAB043 Beech 1900 Esc 310 h FAB752/7425 AS332B1 FAB753/3312 AS332B1 FAB61 C-130B GAT71 h FAB65 C-130B GAT71 FAB341 CeT210 nn h FAB008 Lj25B SNA h FAB... RC680 SNA h FAB001 Sabre 60 Presidential Flight h FAB606, FAB610 T-33A Esc 311/Pumas h FAB612, FAB639 T-33A Esc 311/Pumas h Elsewhere: FAB100 BAe146-200 TAM TAM61, TAM63 C-130A stored camo c/s (TAM64)/1636 C-130A stored camo c/s TAM65 C-130A stored camo c/s CP-2187 C-130A stored TAB c/s TAM68 C-130B stored camo c/s CP-1376 C-130H TAB TAM70, FAB71 Cv580 stored FAB72, TAM74 Cv580 stored FAB93, TAM95 F27-400M stored camo c/s TAM01 L-188A stored FAB362 AT-6D pres. on pole FAB602 T-33A pres. on pole T-33A FAB614 was dismantled. The Aero Commander is probably the FAB020. The stored Hercs were very faded and the underlined aircraft could not be confirmed. There was a small static and the two PC-7 flew along with the Beech 200 in the afternoon.
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