Show Reports

La Paz 2008

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Date: 12 October 2008

Made by:


FAB66 			C-130B 		GAT71/Diablos Negros
FAB90 			F-27-400M 	TAM
(FAB008)/’FAB010’ 	Lj25B 		Aerofotogrametria
FAB453 			PC-7 		GAC34
FAB628 			T-33A 		no mks
FAB636 			T-33A 		no mks
FAB753/3312 		AS332 		FAB/FAV mks
The c/n plate of the Herc revealed its true identity: 282-3560.
The Lj24B had its real serial taped over. The purpose of this
escapes us as the true Learjet FAB010 was parked elsewhere
on base as well!

CP-1376 		C-130H 		TAB
CP-2184 		C-130A 		TAB
FAB96 			MA-60 		TAM
FAB100 			BAe146-200 	TAM new c/s
FAB730 			HB315B 		GA51

Elsewhere outside:
FAB61 			C-130B 		GAT71/Diablos Negros
FAB65 			C-130B 		GAT71/Diablos Negros
FAB010 			Lj25D 		Aerofotogrametria
FAB607                  T-33A 		Esc311           
FAB612                  T-33A 		Esc311           
FAB634                  T-33A 		Esc311 spcl mks  
FAB639                  T-33A 		Esc311           
The special marks still worn by FAB634 consist of commemorative
texts 50 years of the air force and 75 years of the unit on
the tail. Dump:
... 			F27 		FAB/TAM fuselage
... 			F27 		FAB/TAM fuselage
These should be FAB91 and FAB94, but were not individually

Seen in hangars (some hangars where closed):
FAB101 			BAe146-200 	TAM hang. new c/s
... 			Beech 58 	GAC31 hangar
(FAB023?) 		Beech 90 	GAC31 hangar
FAB002 			Beech 200C 	GAT71 hangar gy
FAB018 			Beech 200C 	GAC31 hangar
FAB043 			Beech 1900 	GAC31 hangar
... 			Ce210 		GAC31 hangar
FAB021 			Ce421 		Aerofotogrametria
FAB74 			CL-66B 		TAM hangar
(FAB028?) 		RC690 		nn
FAB001 			Sabre 60 	GAC31 hangar
... 3x 			T-33 		Aerofotogrametria

Elsewhere stored and preserved:
Except for the addition of FAB99 BAe146-100 the storage situation
of military aircraft and propliners was the same as noted
a year ago (see Scramble 342 - Page 102/103). Also, ‘TAM-01’
DC-3, FAB602 T-33 and FAB362 AT-6D are still preserved at
the base.

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