Date: 12-13 October 2007
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Flightlines & Static: FAB183 A.122 GAE21 FAB750/3312 AS332B1 nn c/n 2309 FAB751/7425 AS332B1 nn c/n 2322 FAB86 C212-100 TAM c/n AV2-2-70 FAB703 UH-1H FdTDR gn c/s * FAB713 UH-1H FdTDR gy c/s, c/n 9390* FAB714 UH-1H FdTDR gy c/s * FAB722 UH-1H FdTDR gy c/s FAB502, FAB503 Neiva 621 GAE21 c/n 122, c/n 002 * FAB505, FAB506 Neiva 621 GAE21 c/n 030, c/n 010 * FAB453, FAB467 PC-7 GAC34 * FAB471, FAB470 PC-7 GAC34 * FAB606, FAB607 T-33A Esc 311/Pumas * FAB610, FAB612 T-33A Esc 311/Pumas * FAB625 T-33A Escuela de Caza FAB626, FAB627, FAB631 T-33A Escuela de Caza * FAB634 T-33A special mks * FAB639 T-33A Esc 311/Pumas * FAB902 VT-34A GAE21 c/n X-102 * FAB922 VT-34A GAE21 c/n CG-279N * FAB923 VT-34A GAE21 c/n CG-309N * FAB924 VT-34A GAE21 c/n CG-304N * 996 C-130H Grupo 10/FACh 1 Extra 300L Halcones/FACh c/n 149 2 Extra 300L Halcones/FACh c/n 145 3 Extra 300L Halcones/FACh c/n 147 4 Extra 300L Halcones/FACh c/n 132 5 Extra 300L Halcones/FACh c/n 146 Hangared: FAB191 A.122 +1 GAE21 FAB131 CeA152 +1 GAE21 FAB.4. PA-34 FAB904, FAB920, FAB921 VT-34A +1 GAE21 GA51 area: FAB61 C-130B GAT71 AE-460 UH-1H-II special c/s AE-461 UH-1H-II VIP visitors (Friday 12th): FAB101 BAe146-200 TAM +13 FAB043 Beech 1900 GAC31 FAB001 Sabre 60 Presidential Flight EB-003 Beech C90 Ejército 2033 C212 Paraguayan AF Elsewhere: FAB029 Beech 58 FAB203 Ce206 FAB338 CeU206 FAB341 CeT210 FAB354 Ce210 FAB15 PT-17 pres. on pole red c/s FAB16 PT-17 taxiing red c/s FAB183 A.122 pres.on pole on base FAB174 A.122 pres.on pole outside FAB720 UH-1H pres.on pole outside All aircraft marked * participated in the 50 years anniversary flypast on 12 October preceding the actual open day on the 13th. Both Super Pumas are flown by Venezuelan crew with dual Bolivian/Venezuelan markings and "Aviacion Militar Bolivariana de Venezuela" titles. On the fuselage they have a drawing of a cobra and the titles ‘Cobras’, indicating they were part of AMV’s - Grupo Aéreo de Operaciones Especiales 10. The special markings of T-33A FAB634 consisted of ’50 years FAB’ in yellow on black on the port side of the tail and ‘75 years GAC31’ on the starboard side. The Argentinean Army Hueys were detached here and flew a mission on 13 October.
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