Show Reports

Lagoa Santa 2004

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Date: 17 October 2004

Made by:


5901			A-29B		nn             
2368	                C-115	        1°/9°GAv       
6704	                R-99A	        2°/6°GAv       
1831	                YT-25B	        PAMA-LS        
1376	                T-27	        nn             
FAB502, FAB503		T-25C	        PAMA-LS for FAB
FAB504, FAB505		T-25C	        PAMA-LS for FAB
FAB506			T-25C +1	PAMA-LS for FAB
nn	                T-25C +1	PAMA-LS for FAP
PP-EJL	                HB350B		Policia MIlitar        
PT-ZIS	                CM170R		(ex FM-76)             

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