Show Reports

São José dos Campos 2008

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Date: 25 October 2008

Made by:


5652 		A-1B 		1°/16°GAv
5931            A-29B 		3°/3°GAv
2287            C-95A 		EEAR    
2325            C-95B 		CTA/DEV 
2703            C-98 		EEAR     
4864            F-5EM 		1°GAvCa 
87..            CH-34 		3°/8°GAv
8816            CH-55 		CTA/DEV 
7108            P-95A 		2°/7°GAv
6704            R-99A 		2°/6°GAv
1956            T-25C 		CTA/DEV 
1321            XT-27 		CTA/DEV 
N-7071 		UH-14(AS332) 	HU-2
EB-4002 	HM-3 (AS532) 	2°BatAvEx
PP-EID/1 	HB350B 		Polícia Militar SP
PR-FPM/8 	EC120B 		Polícia Rodovíaria
PR-SMJ 		CJ1 		Private
PT-FZF 		An-2P 		Private
PT-KRC/1 	T-6 		Circo Aéreo Oi
PT-LDQ/2 	T-6 		Circo Aéreo Oi
PT-LDO/3 	T-6 		Circo Aéreo Oi
PT-SIB 		ERJ190 		Kunpeng Airlines

Fumaca was also present with eight aircraft:
1308/1,, 1435/2, 1329/3, 1358/4 , ..../4, 
1360/5 and 7 (so, two with code ‘4’).

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