Show Reports

Carp 2006

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Date: 17/18 June 2006

Made by:


1141..			CT-114		front fuselage
116813	                CF-116D	        front fuselage
133398	                CT-133	        front fuselage
142803	                CT-142	        402sq         
146448	                CH-146	        427sq         
156120	                CT-156	        15 Wing       

146429			CH-146		438sq             
146450	                CH-146		439sq	yellow c/s
C-FBPM	                Waco AT0	private   
C-FCDH	                A75N-1		'007'             
C-FGKY	                Beech D17S	private   
C-FMKA, C-FNDB +1	Harvard 2	'3222', '3039'
C-FRZW, C-GBQB		Harvard 4	'20422', 'MN352'
C-FWOL			FwP149D		ex Germany 91+45
N27493 "43-27493"	TB-25K		ex 44-29869
N134JC			T-34A		ex 55-0255

Flying only:
90-0806/SW		F-16CJ		77th FS
140116			CP-140		14 Wing
144614			CC-144B		412sq
188711			CF-188		425sq	spec c/s

And the Snowbirds/431sq with CT-114s:
114013/1	114174/2	114058/3	114131/4
114149/5	114109/6	114019/7	114145/8
114146/9	114172/10	114141/11

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