Show Reports

Montreal-Mirabel 1995

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Date: 28 May 1995

Made by:


12434                 CH-124       HS 423
114162                CT-114       2 CFFTS
135137                CH-135       450sq
136231                CH-136       438sq
140119                CP-140       405sq
188786                CF-188A      433sq
86-0112/DY            B-1B         9th BS 'Black Widow'
61-0014/LA            B-52H        20th BS
70-0453               C-5A         97th AMW
86-0030/SJ            KC-10A       744th ARS
88-4401/MK            C-130H       95th AS
63-8053/OF            EC-135C      7th ACCS
65-0249               C-141B       445th AW
62-3521               KC-135R      74th ARS
69-.286/WA            F-4G         561st FS
69-7558/WA            F-4G         561st FS
84-1275               F-16C        134th FS VT ANG
84-1287               F-16C        no mks
86-0369/SI            F-16C        170th FS IL ANG "183FG"
88-0507/HL            F-16C        388th FW
87-0370/SI            F-16D        170th FS IL ANG
70-2398/CC            F-111F       522nd FS "27FW"
70-2415/CC            F-111F       522nd FS "27OG"
82-0805/HO            F-117A       9th FS
93-0626/XL            T-1A         47th FTW
59-0365/OF            T-37B        55th Wing
70-1561/XL            T-38A        47th FTW
67-14833/LA           T-38A        2nd BW CTP
153667/A-740          TA-4J        VT-7
155725/NJ-52          TC-4C        VA-128
164496/AD-620         E-2C         VAW-120
161252/..-02          CH-53E       HMH-461
161258/-              CH-53E       HMH-461
158597/A-917          T-2C         VT-23
161827/E-827          T-34C        TW-5
N313NT/F              T-39N        TW-6

115465                CC-115       nn (l/n 442sq)
188730                CF-188A      nn (l/n 433sq)
136203, 136212        CH-136       nn (l/n 408sq)
88-0467/HL            F-16C        388th FW

CT-114 431sq/Snowbirds:
114188/1,  114012/2,  114115/3,  114080/4,  114100/5,
114035/5,  114108/6,  114164/7,  114156/8,  114078/9,
114011/10, 114049/11
Plus additional civil aircraft.

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