Date: 2 August 1993
Made by:
Static: 115451 CC-115 442TRSq 116715 CF-116A 419sq 116740 CF-116A 419sq (sp c/s) 188762 CF-18A 410sq 188909 CF-18B no marks 11310 CH-113 442TRSq 12431 CH-124A HS443 135132 CH-135 CF 114097 CT-114 2 CFFTS 133441 CT-133C 414EWsq 133450 CT-133C 414EWsq (sp c/s) 80-0165/TC A-10A 354th FS 80-0186/TC A-10A 354th FS ..-..../TC A-10A 354th FS 87-0030 C-5B AMC 79-0054/AK F-15C 54th FS 80-0051/AK F-15C 54th FS .9-0324/FC T-37B 92nd OG 154632/NJ-614 TA-4J VF-126 149006 SH-3H Whidbey Island 159159/B-... T-2C TW-2/VT-23 159707/B-322 T-2C TW-2/VT-23 163608/B-208 T-45A TW-2/VT-21 6504 HH-65A USCG 2105 HU-25B USCG Elsewhere: 12407, 12408 CH-124A HS443 12422, 12434 CH-124A HS443 12148 CP-121 preserved ....../22 A-26 civil owned, red/white c/s C-FFAC/1402 O-2A civil owned, ex AMARC HV132 And the Snowbirds with the following CT-114 (431sq): 114078/1, 114108/2, 114105/3, 114097/4, 114052/5, 114164/6, 114100/7, 114094/8, 114011/9, 114041/10 Civil: N3020M/275 CM170 desert c/s C-FDOT/753 DC-3 Canadian Coast Guard C-GCFM/662 Beech C90 Transp. Canada C-GABC/67 CS-2F-1 Conair Aviation C-GWUP/68 CS-2F-1 Conair Aviation
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