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Shearwater 1995

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Date: 26/27 August 1995

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114162                CT-114       2 CFFTS
12412, 12421          CH-124A      12 Wing
130311                CC-130E      8 Wing
133560                CT-133       434sq
135147                CH-135       450sq
140118                CP-140       14Wing
142805                CT-142       402sq
144605                CP-144A      434sq
146420                CH-146       CAF
188926                CF-188B      425sq
3718, 3834            F-4F         JG72
LX-N90454             E-3A         NAEWF
J-055                 F-16A        nm/311sq
J-649                 F-16B        nm/306sq
XV239                 Nimrod MR2   Kinloss         *
81-0996/BC            A-10A        172nd FS MI ANG
86-0108               B-1B         28th BS         *
69-0020               C-5A         337th AS AFRes
86-0034/SJ            KC-10A       744th ARS
84-24379              C-12D        US Army
84-0086               C-21A        AFFSA
63-7773               EC-130E      193rd SOS PA ANG
86-0419/PI            C-130H       758th AS AFRes
57-1487               KC-135R      434th AW AFRes
66-0174               C-141B       459th AW AFRes
67-4920/EL            T-38A        CTP/28th BW
88-1700/SJ            F-15E        334th FS
89-0491/SJ            F-15E        334th FS "334FS"
85-1565, 85-1569      F-16C        174th FS IA ANG
85-0829/HO            F-117A       49th FW
89-0245, 89-0251      AH-64A       US Army
89-0258               AH-64A       US Army
94-0118/VN            T-1A         26th FTS
158030/CY-01          EA-6B        VMAQ-2
161501/8U             UC-12B       Mayport
164496/AD-620         E-2C+        VAW-120
164951/WK-504         F/A-18D      VMFA(AW)-224
164965/WK-511         F/A-18D      VMFA(AW)-224
158764                HH-1N        USN (ex KNHZ)
164859                CH-53E       USMC
162139/HK-413         SH-60B       HSL-40
165108/-              SH-60B       HS-1
159893/LL-12          P-3C         VP-30
157058/A-967          T-2C         TW-1/VT-19
158881/A-994          T-2C         TW-1/VT-19
160494/901            T-34C        SFWSA
160645/E-645          T-34C        TW-5
162630/E-468          T-34C        TW-5
C-FIFO                Beech 200    Fisheries Dept
C-GLFN                Bo105CBS     Coast Guard

115457                CC-115       442sq
12408                 CH-124A      12 Wing
133052                CT-133       CAF (434sq)
140121                CP-140A      14 Wing/I.M.P.
188760, 188786        CF-188A      425sq
80-0255/BC            A-10A        172nd FS MI ANG
80-0258/BC            A-10A        172nd FS MI ANG
CT-114 431sq Snowbirds:
114188/1, 114080/2, 114115/3, 114076/4, 114035/5
114108/6, 114164/7, 114156/8, 114078/9

CH-124A 12 Wing:   	12406, 12407, 12409, 12410, 12413
                        12414, 12416, 12417, 12419, 12423    
                        12430, 12431, 12434, 12438
CH-124B 12 Wing:	12430, 12434, 12437
CH-124A(OT&E) 12 Wing:	12421

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