Show Reports

St. Thomas 2007

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Date: 23/24 June 2007

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Static/flying (*):
62-1858 		C-130E 		171st ARS MI ANG     
165970/F-970 	        T-6A 		TW-6                   
165995/F-995 	        T-6A 		TW-6                   
164163/E-163 	        T-34C 		TW-5                  
12404 		        CH-124A 	12 Wing             
142804 		        CT-142 		402sq                
146422                  CH-146 		nn yellow c/s        
156109                  CT-156 		NFTC                 
188719                  CF-188 		410sq spec c/s *     
188921                  CF-188B 	425sq               
CF-CYE                  DHC-1 		as "18011"            
C-FFUN                  Bell 222B 	Executive Heli *  
C-FHWX/46 	        Harvard II 	ex Canada AJ583 *
C-FPQL 		        Canso A 	ex Canada 11084 *   
C-FRWN/54 	        Harvard II 	ex Canada 3830 * 
C-FWPK 		        Harvard Mk4 	ex Canada 20242 
C-FZRW                  Harvard Mk4 	ex Canada 20422 
C-GDAK                  DC-3 		as "KN456" *           
C-GDWI                  DH82A 		*                     
C-GDWL                  Bü-131 		private              
C-GVLJ                  D-JET 		Diamond               
N497CA                  C212-200 	Fayard *           

Flying only from London, Ont.:
04-4138 		C-17A 		729th AS *
57-1432 		KC-135R 	106th ARS AL ANG *
86-0358/CO, 87-0254/CO 	F-16C 		120th FS CO ANG *
92-3906/SW 		F-16CJ 		20th FW
94-0048/SW 		F-16CJ 		20th FW *

And the CT-114 Tutors of the the Snowbirds/431sq:
114009/1   114019/2   114161/3   114085/4   114050/5
114172/6   114145/7   114051/8   114146/9   114174/10

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