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Santiago-Los Cerillos 1994

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El Bosque (Chili)

Feria Internacional del Aire y del Espacio (FIDAE) 1994

Date: 22,24,25 March 1994

Made by:

Updated: 15 September 2024

EX-01 + 4             IA-63        FA Argentina
TC-53                 F28-1000C    FA Argentina
0752/3-A-202          S. Etendard  FA Argentina
0774/3-A-214          S. Etendard  FA Argentina
0702/2-AS-23          S-2E/T       FA Argentina
5523/SC               A-1          FA Brazil
5652/SC               A-1 (dual)   FA Brazil
2510                  C-91         FA Brazil
2004                  VC-97        FA Brazil
1320, 1362, 1377      T-27         FAB/Esq.da Fumaça
1411, 1418, 1444      T-27         FAB/Esq.da Fumaça
1445                  T-27         FAB/Esq.da Fumaça
413                   A36          no markings
414, 416              A36          FA Chile
638                   A-37C        FA Chile
49                    Bell 230     Armada/HU-1
961                   CASA212      FA Chile
218                   CN235        Ejercito
994                   C-130H       FA Chile/Gr.10
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7   Extra 300    Los Halcones
H-176                 F280FX       Ejercito
803, 806, 810         F-5E         FA Chile/Gr.7
734                   Hunter Mk7   FA Chile/Gr.8
510, 514              Mirage 50NC  FA Chile/Gr.4
214                   PC-7         Armada
402/150507            P-3A         Armada/VP-1
265                   P-111(EMB111AN)) Armada
75                    SH-32 (AS332)Armada/HS-1
106, 110, 132         T35A Pillan  FA Chile
H-85                  UH-1H        FA Chile/Gr.9
053, 064              Mirage 2000P FA del Peru
ZG861/AA, ZG510/AE    Harrier GR7  RAF/3sq
ZA149/H               VC-10 K3     RAF/101sq
999                   MiG-29M      MAPO
139                   MiG-29UB     MAPO
09                    Su-27UB
CC-PZG                T35DT        ENAER
CC-PZF, CC-PZL        ECH-02       ENAER
CC-CWX                Do228-100    Aerocardal
C-FRSA                Bombardier RJLauda Air

Other side:
352                   Lj35A        FA Chile
223, 239              PA-28-236    FA Chile
H-77, H-79, H-82      UH-1H        FA Chile/Gr.9
H-83, H-89, H-90      UH-1H        FA Chile/Gr.9
H-92, H-96            UH-1H        FA Chile/Gr.9
MAPO = Moscow Aircraft Production Association

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