Show Reports

Brno 2008

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Date: 6/7 September 2008

Made by: Scramble


3G-ED 			PC-6/B2-H2 	4.Flächenstaffel
H26 		        A109HA 		nn                  
38+57 		        F-4F 		JG71                  
119 		        L-39ZO 		MH 59. Sz.D.R       
714 		        Mi-24V 		MH86.HE             
LX-N90450 	        E-3A 		NAEWF                 
011 		        C295M 		13.eltr              
71386 		        An-26 		677.trae             
0847 		        Mi-17 		1.SLK                
63-8045/D 		KC-135R 	351st ARS
86-0159/LN, 86-0176/LN 	F-15C 		493rd FS
2507 			An-26 		241.dsl
9819                    JAS39D
2433                    L-39ZA
6066, 6071 		L-159A
0713 			Mi-2 		CLV LOM Pardub.
7357                    Mi-24V 		231.vrl      
9781                    Mi-171Sh 	232.vrl    
0717                    W-3A 		233.vrl SAR    
0556, 0559 		Z142C-AF 	CLV LOM Pardub.

3G-EJ 			PC-6/B2-H2 	4.Flächenstaffel
CH05 			C-130H 		20Sm
FA101 			F-16AM 		2w            
FA131                   F-16am 		2w special mks
H29 			A109HA 		nn
RS03 			Sea King Mk48 	40Sm
E25/F-TETJ 		Alpha Jet E 	EAC00.314 sp c/s
E118/314-LN 		Alpha Jet E 	EAC00.314
25207 			J-2 		252.lbae
0833 			Mi-24V 		3.VrK
T21-13/35-51 		C295M 		Ala 35
9237, 9245 		JAS39C
1132 			L-410 		nn         
6049                    L-159A    
0836                    Mi-8PS-11 	242.vrl
0709, 0712 		W-3A 		233.vrl
OK-BYR 			B412EP 		Policie
OK-BYG                  EC135T2 	Policie
OK-DSC                  EC135 		DSA
OK-WGX                  B737-436 	CSA
OK-KFO                  ATR42 		CSA

The PC-9s of the Croation Wing of Storm:
056, 059, 061, 062, 064, 068

The Polish Team Iskry with their TS-11-bis DF:
2008/2, 1708/4, 20007/7, 2004/8

The Serbian Starsec with ex Yugoslavian AF G-2A Galebs
YU-YAG/1 (ex 23194), YU-YAK/2 (ex 23154), YU-YAF/3 (ex
23180) ,YU-YAD/4 (ex 23187), YU-YAI (ex 23197)

Flypast Saturday/Sunday:
9237, 9240, 9241 	JAS39C        
0115, 0444, 0445        L-39C 		CLV LOM Pardub.
6052, 6053, 6059        L-159A        
6060, 6061, 6064        L-159A        
0710, 0815, 0835        Mi-24V 		231.vrl       
7354, 7356, 7358        Mi-24V 		231.vrl       
The JAS39s and L-159s operated out of Caslav and this summary
was made out of the aircraft read over there.

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