Show Reports

Kbely 2004

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Date: 8/9 May 2004

Made by: Bernd Kienle


0731      	L-410UVP-E            	241.smdl
2602            L-410UVP-E              241.smdl
1504            L-410UVP-E              241.smdl
2710            L-410UVP-E              241.smdl
1134            L-410UVP-T              241.smdl
0557 Z   	Zlin L-142C             Letistni sprava
7110      	An-24RV                 241.smdl   
2408            An-26                	"             
4201            An-26                   "       
3209            An-26Z-1                "   
1107            An-30                   "  
0601            Tu-154 B-2              "    
0711            W-3                     242.vrlt
0825            Mi-17                 	232.vrl      
0816            Mi-24V              	231.lbvr       
0838            Mi-24V              	231.lbvr       
B-4071  	Bell 412EP              Police
23638    	G4 Super Galeb          VOC Air Force Test Centre/ Serbian Montenegro AF

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