Show Reports

Pardubice 1994

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Date: 21/22 May 1994

Made by: Scramble


2409                  An-26        36SMDLP
5015                  L-39ZA       30BILP
1525                  L-410FG      FLS
0709                  Mi-2         51VRP
0825                  Mi-17        FLS
0309                  MiG-21F      preserved
6509                  Su-7BKL      preserved
8077, 9013            Su-25K       30BILP   spec c/s

Static (near flightline):
E22/7-PI              Jaguar E     EC2/7
68-10943              C-130E       435th AW
2852                  L-29         1LSP
4307                  MiG-21MF     nn
2409                  MiG-23ML     1SLP
3810                  MiG-29A      1SLP
3803/27               Su-22M-4     20SBOLP

Shelter aera:
1005, 9098            Su-25K       30BILP

FLS/36SMDLP platform:
2408, 3209            An-26        36SMDLP
2509                  Mi-2         nn     only 22may
0830                  Mi-8P        36SMDLP only21may
0816, 0828            Mi-17        nn
0403                  L-410M       36SMDLP
1522                  L-410FG      FLS

E15/7-PF, E25/7-PK    Jaguar E     EC2/7
0103, 0441            L-39C        1LSP
0004                  L-39MS       1LSP
0927, 0928            L-410T       36SMDLP
0929, 1132            L-410T       36SMDLP
0712                  Mi-2         nn     only 22may
0806, 0810            Mi-17        11VRP
0140, 4011            Mi-24D       51VRP
0815                  Mi-24V1      11VRP
0834, 0835            Mi-24V2      11VRP
0837, 0838            Mi-24V2      11VRP
9802                  MiG-21MF     nn
2406                  MiG-23ML     1SLP
7702                  MiG-29A      1SLP
3313/24, 4006/31      Su-22M-4     20SBOLP
4007/32, 4208/52      Su-22M-4     20SBOLP
4209/54               Su-22M-4     20SBOLP
1002, 8080            Su-25K       30BILP
OK-JIM, OK-KIP        An-2         nn
OK-ADP                L-410        Slovacky Aeroklub

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