Show Reports

Prerov 2002

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Date: 14 September 2002

Made by: Scramble


0517			MiG-21F-13	preserved

43+79, 44+50		Tornado IDS	AG51                 
1013/BRS	        SA330Ba		5RHC                 
4109/BPQ	        SA342M		5RHC                 
MM7047/50-43	        Tornado ECR	155°Gr               
LX-N90454	        E-3A mod	NAEW&CF              
15250		        Alpha Jet A	Esq103/301, tiger mks
XZ614/X		        Lynx AH7	847sq                
3242		        L-29		stored	c/n 993242       
0113		        L-39C		341VLt	c/n 390113       
6006		        L-159A		42SLt	c/n 156006       
0001		        Mi-9		33zVL                
0836, 0849	        Mi-17		33zVL                
0217		        Mi-24D		331LtBVr             
0815		        Mi-24V		331LtBVr             
5603		        MiG-21MF	41SLt                
3404/NA-1C/09	        Su-22M-4	stored	c/n 34204        
7104		        Su-22UM-3K	std	c/n 17532371104  
9013		        Su-25K		stored, spec mks     
0558		        Zlin 142C-AF	342vlt	c/n 0558         
OK-UDS		        L-410UVP-E13	(ex) Olimex          

Hangar static:
15221			Alpha Jet A	Esq103/301
0831, 0833		Mi-17		33zVL
0701, 0788		Mi-24V		331LtBVr

Shelter area near side:
156/ABT			TBM700		EAAT
0822, 0829		Mi-17		33zVL
0840, 0848		Mi-17		33zVL
0828, 0837		Mi-17		33zVL, SFOR mks
0140, 0219 +2		Mi-24D		331LtBVr/std?
0702, 0710		Mi-24V		331LtBVr/std?
0838			Mi-24V		331LtBVr/std?
0713, 0719		W-3A		LtLPZS

Shelter area far side:
15206			Alpha Jet A	Esq103/301
0832, 0835		Mi-17		33zVL
0703, 0709		Mi-24V		331LtBVr
0834, 0835, 0839	Mi-24V		331LtBVr
All choppers were also flying, except for numbers 0832 and 0834.

Fenced off area far side:
L-29		3240, 3401
Su-22M-4	3405
Su-25K		1002, 1004, 1005, 5003, 5006, 5008, 5039, 5040
		6019, 6020, 8076, 8077, 8078, 8079, 8080, 8081
		9014, 9093, 9094, 9098, 9099
Su-25UBK	3348

Dispersal far side next to aeroclub:
Su-22M-4	2619, 2620, 3313, 3314, 3315, 3403, 3406

In front of hangars far side:
0825			Mi-17		33zVL
0839			Mi-17		33zVL, SFOR mks
0220			Mi-24D		331LtBVr
0812			Mi-24V		331LtBVr
Su-22M-4	2218, 2701, 3701, 3704, 3706, 3802, 3803, 4005
		4006, 4008, 4010, 4208
Su-22UM-3K	7103, 7309, 7310

Behind south hangar far side:
Su-22M-4	2217, 3703, 3705, 4011
Su-22UM-3K	(6602)
Most Su-22s and Su-25 were wrapped in covers, with only the lower fuselage
and landing gear visible. The Fitters in bold were identified by
their construction numbers (visible on the main landing gear door), while
most Su-25s were identified by their c/n on the tails. Registrations in
italic were written on the covers. All other serials (underlined)
are known from recent reports by Robin Polderman and Andy Marden.

16805			C-130H		Esq501
B-5278			Bo105CBS-4	Police

Flying only:
2x			MiG-21		nn

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