Show Reports

Guayaquil 1999

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Date: 23/24 October 1999

Made by:


0030            T-34C-1         ESMA
402, 403        TH-57A          Esc 2212
410, 412        TH-57A          Esc 2212
823             B.212           Esc 2212
259/T-59        Strikemaster 90 Esc 2313
391             OA-37B          Esc 2311     ex 73-1079
816             Mirage F-1JA    Esc 2112
906     	Kfir C.2        Esc 2113     157                             
914             Kfir CE         Esc 2113     153
524             Pa 34-220T      Ala 22
049             Sabre 60        
327             Jaguar ES       Esc 2111
AN-231          Be 200          
HN-305          B.206B          
HN-401          B.230CN 	             23008

894		C-130B          
448             DHC-6-300       

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