Date: 4 September 1999
Made by: Cheryl Baumgärtner
Static: 10+24 B.707-307C FBS spcl marks 30 years in GAF service 10+24 A.310-304MRT FBS grey c/s 12+01 CL-601 FBS 50+64 C-160D LTG61 53+12 L.410UVP 3/FBS 70+51 UH-1D 2/FBS 71+49 UH-1D 2/FBS VIP c/s 82+02 AS.532UL 3/FBS D-EFTB L-18C ex 96+31 LX-N90454 E-3A NAEWF 92-3292 C-17A 437th AW
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