Show Reports

Sembach 1976

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Date: 15 May 1976

Made by: Alan Macey


(52-5372)		F-86F		DIS

68-16847  		OH-58A  	8 Div  
68-15847                CH-47C          205 AC 
3049                    G.91R           WS 50  
68-18458                CH-54A          295 AC 
66-13562                OV-10A          601 TCW
68-10928                HH-53C          601 TCW
5081                    C.160D          LTG 63 

Top revetments:
14626, 14637, 14639	OV-10A 	 	601 TCW
14641, 14652, 14674	OV-10A 	 	601 TCW
14690, 14701, 83785	OV-10A 	 	601 TCW
83793, 83796, 83809	OV-10A 	 	601 TCW
83818, 83831		OV-10A 	 	601 TCW
68-10927  		CH-53C  	601 TCW

Top hangar:
83825    		OV-10A  	601 TCW
70-1625                 CH-53C          601 TCW

Middle hangar:
70-1626, 68-10924	CH-53C  	601 TCW
68-10930  		CH-53C  	601 TCW
83790,83797  		OV-10A  	601 TCW

Bottom revetments:
68-10932  		CH-53C  	601 TCW
14623, 14650, 14679	OV-10A  	601 TCW
14689, 14697, 83799	OV-10A  	601 TCW
83805, 83811, 83814	OV-10A  	601 TCW
83816			OV-10A  	601 TCW

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