Show Reports

Sperenberg 1994

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Date: 27 May 1994

Made by: Marcel de Jong, Sander Smit

Updated: 2 April 2001

reg             code       type            unit       c/n            rem 
9351                       Mi.8S           FBS        105104 
1104            BVX        Alouette III               1104 
68-15731        O          UH-1H                      10661 
RA-82041                   An.124                     9773054055089 
RA-09315                   An.22                      00340302 
RA-76551                   Il.76MD                    0033445309 
RA-78766                   Il.76MD                    0083486595 
RA-85605                   Tu.154 Elint               85A-605 
                91 red     An.12BP         16 TAP     4342203 
                92 red     An.12BP         16 TAP     3341203 
                93 red     An.12BP         16 TAP     3341102 
                94 red     An.12BP         16 TAP     2340708 
                95 red     An.12BP         16 TAP     4342410 
                96 red     An.12BP         16 TAP     4341708 
                97 red     An.12BP         16 TAP     5343207 
                98 red     An.12BP         16 TAP     3341507 
                99 red     An.12BP         16 TAP     4342407 
                100 red    An.24V          16 TAP     99902101 
                02 red     An.26           16 TAP     0910 
                06 yellow  An.26 Elint     16 TAP     1510 
                15 red     An.26           16 TAP     5303 
                20 red     Il.20           16 TAP     173011502 
                50 red     MiG.21MF 
                32 white   MiG.29UB        234 GIAP   N50903016527 
                34 white   MiG.29UB        234 GIAP   N50903016584 
                40 white   MiG.29 Fulcr.A  234 GIAP   38002/3912 
                43 white   MiG.29 Fulcr.A  234 GIAP   30010/3915 
                44 white   MiG.29 Fulcr.A  234 GIAP   30011/4001 
                46 white   MiG.29 Fulcr.A  234 GIAP   30015/4003     c/n read from logbook 
                48 white   MiG.29 Fulcr.A  234 GIAP   25775/3611 
                44 yellow  Mi.24R-ChR      226 SSAP   3534624913327 
                45 yellow  Mi.24R-ChR      226 SSAP   3534624611809 
                01 yellow  Mi.8S           226 SSAP   7181 
                11 yellow  Mi.8MT          226 SSAP   95052 
                12 yellow  Mi.8MT          226 SSAP   95053 
                15 yellow  Mi.8MT          226 SSAP   95055 
                16 yellow  Mi.8MT          226 SSAP   95229 
                17 yellow  Mi.8MT          226 SSAP   95058 
                18 yellow  Mi.8MT          226 SSAP   95139 
                20 yellow  Mi.8MT          226 SSAP   95137 
                22 yellow  Mi.8MT          226 SSAP   95136 
                24 yellow  Mi.8MT          226 SSAP   95146 
                33 yellow  Mi.8T           226 SSAP   4140 
                34 yellow  Mi.8P           226 SSAP   3612 
                35 yellow  Mi.8PS          226 SSAP   5965 
                36 yellow  Mi.8MT          226 SSAP   95223 
                20 blue    Su.27UB                    96310430084 
                25 red     Tu.134A-3       16 TAP     63781 

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