Date: 9 November 2001
Made by: Scramble, Jeremy
Static: 2464, 2509 AS332C-1 358 MED 4397, 4399 AB205A 358 MED 4414? AB205A 358 MED 30765 Bell 212 358 MED 31190, 31196 Bell 212 358 MED According to our database, AB205A 4414 was crashed on 19 February 1997 and subsequentely seen on the dump of Athens-Hellenicon... Maintenance hangar: 2519, 2520 AS332C-1 358 MED Hangar: 2050 CL-415 355 MTM Elsewhere: 296, 300, 948 C-130B 356 MTM 741, 746, 747, 749 C-130H 356 MTM 4082, 4084?, 4086? Do28D-2 355 MTM 4097, 4100, 4108 Do28D-2 355 MTM 4110, 4123, 4131 Do28D-2 355 MTM Dornier 4084 is also noted as operating in civil service in Hungary (ex Luftwaffe) and the 4086 is according to our sources stored at Athens-Hellenicon. Could anybody confirm these serials? 1041,1043,1055,1073 CL-215 355 MTM 2042, 2052, 2054 CL-415GR 355 MTM Others: 153427 P-3B 353 MNAS 137 Mirage F1CG 342 MPK 209 ERJ135LR 356 MTM
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