Show Reports

Larissa 2005

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Date: 15-17 September 2005

Made by: Scramble


7449			RF-4E		348 MTA
71763			RF-4E		348 MTA
68-412			F-4E		337 MPK
120, 130		F-16C-30	346 Mira
159980			A-7E		335 MV
236			Mir. 2000EG	332 Mira
28736			RF-84F		ex 348 MTA

Hangar display:
37683			RF-84F		ex 348 MTA	silver c/s

Hangars near static:
118 +1			F-16C		346 Mira
7464 +1			RF-4E		348 MTA
7491			RF-4E		348 MTA	SEA c/s

37588			RF-84F		ex 348 MTA
38430			F-5A		ex HAF

Preserved Base Museum:
69209			F-5A		ex HAF
29913/TR-913		T-33A	        ex HAF
6692/FG-6692		RF-104G	        ex HAF
O-61232			F-102A	        ex HAF
37050/050		F-84F	        ex HAF
19409			CL-13 Mk2	ex HAF
28728			RF-84F		ex 348 MTA
19752/FS-752B		F-84G		ex HAF
11294			RF-84F		ex 348 MTA	tail only

Stored at the end of the runway:
Group 1
68074, 10566		F-5A		ex HAF    
10569			F-5A	        ex HAF    
(68)-408, 68-517	F-4E	        ex HAF    
3507, 3513		RF-4E	        ex HAF    
3546, 3584		RF-4E	        ex HAF    
Group 2                                           
01619, 01620		RF-5A	        ex HAF    
97164			RF-5A	        ex HAF    
(133)76, 89054		F-5A	        ex HAF    
(89066)			F-5A	        ex HAF    
52470			RF-84F	        ex 348 MTA
(11294, fuselage)	RF-84F	        ex 348 MTA
Group 3
01617, 01618		RF-5A		ex HAF
697165			RF-5A	        ex HAF
50476, 89064		F-5A	        ex HAF
01399, 97105		F-5A	        ex HAF
Stored elsewhere:                      
12601			F-104G	        ex HAF
58639/TR-639		T-33A	        ex HAF
(58602)/TR-602		T-33A	        ex HAF

HQ in city, opposite main gate:
89083			F-5A		ex HAF
(6668)			F-104G		ex HAF

Town, Soukas Robotics:
13930			UH-19B		ex HAF

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