Show Reports

Kecskemét 2005

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Date: 6/7 August 2005

Made by: Scramble, Uli Seibicke, Pieter van 't Hof, Hans van der Vlist, Steve Rush, Patrick Dirksen


FA56			F-16AM		349sm		spec mks
9239	                JAS39C		hangar  
6068	                L-159A		hangar  
54/2-FY, 61/2-FM	Mirage2000-5F	EC02.002
38+10, 38+57		F-4F		JG74
87+90			Bo105P1		HFWS                     
2056	                CL-415MP	383 MEEA         
707/6	                Su-22UM-3K	6.elt		tiger mks
6196	                Lancer-C	Baza 71          
28	                IAR330SOCAT	Avioane Craiova  
17126	                L-17K		126.lae                  
23732	                N-62		VOC                      
0730	                L-410UVP	SDoLt            
5304	        	MiG-29UB	1.SLK            
H2-36/36		Bell 412EP	15BRVL
XX205			Hawk T1A	208(R)sq	hangar
XX309			Hawk T1		208(R)sq	hangar
XZ369/EU, XZ399/EJ	Jaguar GR3A	6sq		hangar
ZE338/GJ, ZE810/XU	Tornado F3	43sq
87-0350/AV, 89-2057/AV	F-16CG		555th FS      
39195			JAS39A	        F21/nb		hangar
110	                An-26	        89.VSZRE      
115	                L-39ZO	        59.HRE		hangar
125	                L-39ZO	        59.HRE        
10419/1	                Mi-8T	        86.HE         
707	                Mi-17	        86.HE         
336	                Mi-24P	        86.HE         
04, 06, 09		MiG-29B	        59.HRE        
15			MiG-29B	        59.HRE		hangar
24			MiG-29UB	std
11			Yak-52		89.VSZRE	hangar
YU-YAE			Soko G-2A	ex YugoAF 23177	Sunday only

Storage area near static:
603			An-26		std
122, 124, 126, 130, 132	L-39ZO	        std
134, 137, 138, 140	L-39ZO	        std
10423?			Mi-8T	        std
578			Mi-24D	        std
The serial of the Mi-8 was painted on its tailboom, which carried an
other camouflage scheme than the rest of the helicopter. On top of that, 
10423 is supposed to be at the dump of Szolnok! Behind the L-39 storage
area was another tailboom with the serial 10426. It is therefore suspected
that this is the real identity of the fuselage of this Mi-8.

Maintenance hangar near storage area:
21			MiG-29B		59.HRE
27			MiG-29UB	59.HRE
114, 120		L-39ZO		59.HRE
On Sunday afternoon the 27 and 120 were outside on the platform in front
of the hangar.

Flightlines near static:
FA118, FA119		F-16AM		nmks
6050			L-159A
17/5-OZ, 30/5-OF	Mirage 2000C	EC02.005
08, 11, 16		MiG-29B		59.HRE
26			MiG-29UB	59.HRE
718			IAR-99 Soim	Avioane Craiova
25207			Soko J-22A	VOC
23638			Soko G-4	VOC
39198/198, 39199/199	JAS39A		F21/nb
39805/805		JAS39B		F21/nb
YU-YAG			Soko G-2A	ex YugoAF 23194
On Sunday also MiG-29UB 10 (see QRA)) was seen here, while the dual Gripen was
towed to the Gripen promotion stand.

The Frecce Tricolori was also here with the following MB339As:
MM54475/1	MM54485/2	MM54543/3	MM54539/4
MM54486/5	MM54517/6	MM54547/7	MM54536/8
MM54500/9	MM54487/10	MM54551/0

Flightlines left of static:
86+45			Bo105P1		HFWS
111/62-II		CN235M-200	ET01.062
3G-EB			PC-6/B2-H2	4.Flächenst./FlRgt1
1509			An-26		13.eltr                 
0619			W-3WA	        66.dlot                 
L9-65/65		PC-9M	        15BRVL                  
63-13187/12-13187	C-130H	        222 Filo	spec mks
119			L-39ZO	        59.HRE		spec mks        
128, 131, 133, 135, 136	L-39ZO	        59.HRE                  

And NF-5A/B(#)s of the Turkish Stars:
3013	3016	3027	3036	3039
3042	3051	3055	3066	4017#

Flying only:
405, 406, 407		An-26		89.VSZRE        
701, 703 +1		Mi-17	        86.HE           
704			Mi-17	        86.HE		SFOR mks
335			Mi-24P	        86.HE		Sun solo
712			Mi-24V	        86.HE		Sat solo
716, 718, 719, 720	Mi-24V	        86.HE           
02, 03, 10		Yak-52	        89.VSZRE        

03, 10, 18		MiG-29B		59.HRE
On Sunday number 10 was put on the flightline.

Storage area MiG-29:
01, 05, 07, 12, 14	MiG-29B		std
19, 20, 22, 23		MiG-29B		std
25, 28, 29		MiG-29UB	std

Visitors Saturday:
MM62177/46-42		C-130J		2ºGr
R-502			MD500E		Rendorseg
6204, 6220, 10440	Mi-8T		86.HE
10447			Mi-8PS		86.HE

Other civil/warbirds:
HA-BCL			Mi-2		ex NVA 503/94+65?     
HA-YHF	                An-2	        Malév Aero Club  
HA-JAV	                Yak-52	        nn               
HA-LFO	                SA341H	        ex YugoAF 12654  
HA-LFX	                SA341H	        ex YugoAF 12711  
HA-LIX	                Li-2P	        ex HungAF 209    
HA-PAO	                CSS-13	        nn               
N996DM	                DC-6B	        Red Bull         
N6123C	                B-25J	        ex USAF 44-86893 
OE-EAS	                F4U-4	        ex USN 96995     
OK-JZE	                Let C-11	ex Czech AF 11

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