Date: 15 May 2005
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Static: 9301 LC-90 61 Kokutai 8273 SH-60J 51 Kokutai 8402 SH-60K 51 Kokutai 8979 UH-60J Atsugi Kyuntai 5060 P-3C 3 Kokutai 9089 US-1A 71 Kokutai 9041 YS-11M 61 Kokutai 6309 T-5 201 Kyoiku Kokutai 159585/NF-502 EA-6B VAQ-136 165860/NF-200 F/A-18E VFA-27 165882/NF-102 F/A-18F VFA-102 spec mks Flightline: 8976 UH-60J Atsugi Kyuntai 5015, 5087 P-3C 3 Kokutai 5022, 5028, 5051, 5072 P-3C 6 Kokutai 5038, 5088 P-3C 51 Kokutai 5056, 5071 P-3C 3 Kokutai 5079 P-3C nmk 163524/NL-523 EA-6B VAQ-209 165160/CW C-130T VR-54 163698/NF-602 E-2C VAW-115 165296/NF-603 E-2C VAW-115 152704/TA-11 UH-3H HSL-51 161555/TA-703 SH-60B HSL-51 162112/TA-704 SH-60B HSL-51 163240/TA-710 SH-60B HSL-51 164814/TA-711 SH-60B HSL-51 164815/TA-712 SH-60B HSL-51 164851/TA-715 SH-60B HSL-51 165095/TA-717 SH-60B HSL-51 And the following additional Hornets: F/A-18F VFA-102 'NF': 100, 101, 104, 112, 114, 115 F/A-18E VFA-27 'NF': 202, 203, 204, 211, 212, 214, 215 F/A-18C VFA-192 'NF': 300, 303, 306 F/A-18C VFA-195 'NF': 411, 412
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