Date: 13 May 2007
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Static: 163524/NF-500 EA-6B VAQ-136 164010/NF-300 F/A-18C VFA-192 165860/NF-200 F/A-18E VFA-27 9305 LC-90 61 Kokutai 8279 SH-60J 51 Kokutai 8901 USH-60K 51 Kokutai 5099 P-3C 3 Kokutai 9089 US-1A 71 Kokutai 9044 YS-11M 61 Kokutai Flightline: 160786/NF-501 EA-6B VAQ-136 162938/NF-502 EA-6B VAQ-136 165830 C-40A nmks 163698/NF-602 E-2C VAW-115 165296/NF-600 E-2C VAW-115 ....../TA-11 UH-3H HSL-51 164460/NF-610 SH-60F HS-14 164617/NF-611 SH-60F HS-14 164459/NF-612 SH-60F HS-14 164797/NF-614 SH-60F HS-14 164841/NF-616 HH-60H HS-14 164080/NF-621 SH-60F HS-14 161006/LK P-3C VP-26 8978 UH-60J Atsugi Kyuntai 5003, 5011 P-3C 3 Kokutai 5029 P-3C 51 Kokutai 5031 P-3C 6 Kokutai 5038, 5041 P-3C nmks 5040, 5060, 5070, 5082 P-3C 3 Kokutai 5083, 5084 P-3C 6 Kokutai 5088 P-3C 51 Kokutai Underlined serials in the above list were looked up in our database. A large number of Hornets were seen on the ramps. Unfortunately, only the modex numbers could be identified: F/A-18Fs of VFA-102 'NF': 110 111 112 113 114 F/A-18Es of VFA-27 'NF': 201 202 203 204 207 210 211 214 215 F/A-18Cs of VFA-192 'NF': 302 303 304 305 310 311 313 F/A-18Cs of VFA-195 'NF': 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 410
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