Show Reports

Iwakuni 2005

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Date: 5 May 2005

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78-0685/OS		A-10A		25th FS         
80-0217/OS	        OA-10A	        25th FS "7AF"   
86-0035		        KC-10A	        305th AMW       
84-0101		        C-21A	        459th AS        
78-0491/ZZ, 78-0532/ZZ	F-15C	        67th FS         
69-6646			UH-1N	        459th AS        
85-24450	        UH-60A	        A Co 78th AvnBat
154638/WA-01	        OA-4M	        preserved       
163521/NF-500	        EA-6B	        VAQ-136         
165577/WF-10	        AV-8B+	        VMA-513         
162164/NF-26	        C-2A	        VRC-30 Det. 5   
165301/NF-600	        E-2C	        VAW-115         
164278/DC-13	        F/A-18C	        VMFA-122        
164958/WD-01	        F/A-18C	        VMFA-212        
165882/NF-102	        F/A-18F	        VFA-102	spec mks
157733/YZ-05	        CH-53D	        HMH-363         
165762/RB-54	        MH-60S	        HSC-25          
78-1022			C-1	        403 Hikotai     
20-8266	                F-1	        6 Hikotai       
43-8528	                F-2A	        6 Hikotai       
87-8408	                F-4EJ Kai	301 Hikotai
32-8082	                F-15DJ		304 Hikotai        
89-5196	                T-2	        6 Hikotai        
06-5630	                T-4	        301 Hikotai      
06-5786	                T-4	        13 Hiko Kyoikudan
46-5918	                T-7	        12 Hiko Kyoikudan
8628	                MH-53E	        111 Kokutai      
9162	                UP-3D	        91 Kokutai       
9089	                US-1A	        71 Kokutai       
9902	                US-1A Kai	TRDI       
9204	                U-36A		91 Kokutai         
41874/MH	        UH-1J	        Chubu Homen Herik.
73491/VATH	        AH-1S	        5 Taisensha Herik.
31200/VATH	        OH-6D	        5 Taisensha Herik.
192		        Zero	        preserved         
Herik. = Herikoputatai

Taxi track/flying:
90-0805/WW		F-16CJ		14th FS "35OG"
92-3901/WW		F-16CJ	        13th FS "35FW"
163559			UC-12F	        MCAS Iwakuni  
165860/NF-200		F/A-18E	        VFA-27        
46-5725/1, 46-5731/2	T-4	        Blue Impulse  
46-5726/3, 66-5745/4	T-4	        Blue Impulse  
46-5730/5, 26-5805/6	T-4	        Blue Impulse  
26-5804/-		T-4	        Blue Impulse  

Far side right:
....../RB-50		MH-60S		HSC-25

Other side/flying:
161115/NL-522		EA-6B		VAQ-209   
163524/NL-523		EA-6B	        VAQ-209   
164964/WD-04		F/A-18C	        VMFA-212  
164968/WD-05		F/A-18C	        VMFA-212  
157164/YZ-04		CH-53D	        HMH-363   
9132, 9133		OP-3C	        81 Kokutai
9163			UP-3D	        91 Kokutai
9171, 9172, 9173	EP-3	        81 Kokutai
9174, 9175		EP-3	        81 Kokutai
5813			PS-1A	        preserved 
9085, 9090		US-1A	        71 Kokutai

Hangar 281A:
....../WF-03		AV-8B		VMA-513
....../WF-22		AV-8B		VMA-513
....../..-06		AV-8B		VMA-513
2x			AV-8B		nn

Hangar 281B:
158802/NL-520 +1	EA-6B		VAQ-209

Hangar 281C:
164970/WD-07		F/A-18C		VMFA-212
164972/WD-11		F/A-18C		VMFA-212

Hangar 291A:
1x			CH-53D		nn

22-8937, 52-8845	F-15J		304 Hikotai
2x			F-4EJ Kai	301 Hikotai

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