Show Reports

Shimofusa 2002

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Date: 25 May 2002

Made by:


5051			P-3C		203 Kyoiku Kokutai
6305, 6306, 6307	T-5		201 Kyoiku Kokutai "Rookie Flight"
6308, 6309		T-5		201 Kyoiku Kokutai "Rookie Flight"
6833			TC-90		202 Kyoiku Kokutai
51-5058			T-400		41 Hikotai

5031, 5038		P-3C		203 Kyoiku Kokutai
5042, 5062		P-3C		203 Kyoiku Kokutai
6901, 6903, 6904	YS11T-A		205 Kyoiku Kokutai
8962, 8964		UH-60J		Shimofusa Kyuntai

5046, 5060, 5063	P-3C		203 Kyoiku Kokutai
6902			YS11T-A		205 Kyoiku Kokutai

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