Date: 5-9 October 2009
Made by: Scramble, Marco & Perry Dirkx, Ron Frijlink, P
Static: 110/113-IN Rafale C EC01.091 * 111/113-IP Rafale C EC01.091 c/n 075 * CSX619 M311 Aermacchi c/n 201 MM7270/36-01 EF2000 XII Gruppo CIO MM62247/PS-B15 P180AM Polizia c/n 1113 118 C-130H 1230sq c/n 4405 1938 L-39ZO 1039sq c/n 131938 2008 L-410UVP-E 1211sq c/n 872008 8230 Mi-8T 1328sq c/n 33330 2861 Mi-8MTV-1 1328sq c/n 59489607570 854 Mi-35 1335sq c/n 280854 6474 MiG-23MLD 1023sq c/n 26474 499 MiG-25RB std c/n 20499 508 Mirage F1ED 1015sq c/n 508 * 545 SF260WL AFAST c/n 545 * 565 SF260WL AFAST c/n 565 * 583 SF260WL AFAST c/n 583 * 604 SF260WL AFAST c/n 604 * 307 Su-22M-3K 1032sq c/n 45312 * 311 Su-22M-3K 1032sq c/n 47402 * LC-010 CH-47C+ 1387sq c/n R-010 LC-1416 Mi-14PL 1314sq 5A-DKL An-124-100 Libyan Air Cargo * 5A-DRC An-32P 1226sq c/n 0703 5A-DRO AW119 Air Ambul. c/n 14708 5A-DTB A109E Police c/n 11693 * 5A-DTL A109E Police c/n 11635 * I-RAIU AW139 Agusta c/n 31133 N2255R Ce208B Africair c/n 2098 N278SV Ce680 Cessna N578CJ Ce525B Cessna TZ-BSC BAe111-488GH Tombouctou Av. c/n 259 VP-BEY A319-115X White c/n 2675 Several aircraft were put on static display after their performance, others operated out of the static. These aircraft are marked *. All mentioned construction numbers were actually read off. The Mirage F1 came out of overhaul just a day before the show; both 1015sq as ‘Fataq’ squadron were mentioned as unit for the Mirage F1s. The CH-47C+ wore a badge of the 32 Fortified Brigade of the Libyan Army. The Chinooks are often used to support Army troops in the field. Ramp: 78/F-RAFJ Falcon 50 ETEC00.065 c/n 78 MM62176/46-41 KC-130J 2°Gr arr 5oct+8oct 115 C-130H 1230sq 5A-CAA An-74TK-300D 1274sq 5A-DCN Falcon 900EX Libya Gvmt c/n 148 5A-DNG Il-76T 1276sq 5A-DNK Il-76T 1276sq 5A-DNX Il-76TD 1276sq 5A-DNY Il-62M 1276sq 5A-DOC/8209 “wodah” An-26 std no eng. c/n 12308 5A-DOD/8212 An-26 1226sq c/n 12406 5A-DOE An-26 1226sq c/n 13003 5A-DOG/8303 An-26 1226sq c/n 13008 5A-DOM L-100-20 Libyan Air Cargo 5A-DOW/8203 An-26 1226sq c/n 11809 5A-DRE An-32P nn c/n 3507 5A-DRF An-32P nn c/n 3602 5A-OND A319-111 Afriqiyah arr 6oct 5A-ONI A319-111 Afriqiyah arr 7oct 5A-ONH A330-202 Afriqiyah 5A-UAA CL-300 United Av. c/n 20175 5A-UAB Global XRS c/n 9285 arr 6oct D-IBBB Raytheon 390 Agusta Air arr 6oct G-KSFR CL-300 London Exec. 6oct ST-ATH Il-76TD Almajarah SX-SMR Ce560XLS Interjet SU-BME MD-83 Air Memphis n/t TS-INA A320-214 Afriqiyah TZ-BSA BAe111-492GM Tombouctou A c/n 260 TZ-TAC B707-3L6B Mali Gvmt YU-BUU Ce525A Air Pink 1023sq ramp: 6117 MiG-23MLD 1023sq c/n 26117 6118 MiG-23MLD 1023sq c/n 26118 6461 MiG-23MLD 1023sq c/n 2960326461 7202 MiG-23MLD 1023sq c/n 27202 8272 MiG-23UB 1023sq c/n A1038272 8423 MiG-23UB 1023sq c/n A1038423 MiG-23UB 8423 performed a solo display on the morning of 7 October. After a steep climb it started a barrel roll but crashed during that attempt. Both pilots were tragically killed and the fl ying display was cancelled for the rest of the morning. The aircraft came down on houses outside the base, wounding three people. Remote ramps: 8316 An-26 nn ... An-26 c/n 13201 112 L-100-20 1230sq white, gold 113 C-130H std desert c/s 117 C-130H std desert c/s 1941 L-39ZO 1039sq c/n 131944 1944 L-39ZO 1039sq c/n 131944 9441 L-39ZO 1039sq flew 7th 9443 L-39ZO 1039sq c/n 931443 9445 L-39ZO 1039sq c/n 931443 9446 L-39ZO 1039sq c/n 931446 1726 L-410UVP-E 1211sq c/n 861726 wh 1534 L-410UVP-T std 1535 L-410UVP-T std 1538 L-410UVP-T std 204 Mirage F1BD 1015sq c/n 204 5A-DMK Ce404 nn 5A-DMX A300-203F std ex Libyavia 5A-DSF P680B Air Libya Tibesti A7-HBP Bell 412 Gulf Air c/n 36016 F-GYSH AS332L1 nn G-TIGV AS332L Bristow Helicopters S9-GAS DC-10-10 std exGlobal Avn.Inv Far side: 111 C-130H std no wings 604 MiG-25 std shelter area +10 994 MiG-25U std 485 MiG-25R std ... Tu-22 dump 5A-DHI L-100-20 std green/white c/s 5A-DKO BAC1-11 std 5A-DMO B727-2F2 std ex Buraq Air 5A-DMP B727-2F2 std ex Buraq Air 5A-DOV/8312 An-26 std along runway 5A-DOH/8316 An-26 std along runway 5A-DTF B707 std ex Libyan Gvmt A6-ZYD B707-3J6C std ex Dolphin Air TZ-BSB BAe111-422EQ std ex Mali Gvmt c/n 86 Factory 003 - inside: LAAF-721 An-72 o/h bare metal LAAF-723 An-72 o/h bare metal LAAF-724 An-72 o/h bare metal 5A-DOA An-26 o/h bare met. c/n 12306 Factory 003 - outside: 8306 An-26 std camo, no wings 5A-DSH/LAAF-072 An-72 1274sq silver c/s LAAF-722 An-72 1274sq grey c/s 5A-DOF/8302 An-26 1226sq c/n 13007 5A-DOP/8205 An-26 std c/n 12301 no wings 5A-DRD An-32P nn c/n 1306 TT-LAO An-26 Chad AF Of the following overviews, the order of the serials is intentionally not in serial order, bit in parking order, allowing easier identifi cation: Hangar: 202 Mirage F1BD 1015sq 502 Mirage F1ED 1015sq Ramp near hangars: LC-004 CH-47C 1387sq camo c/s LC-007 CH-47C+ 1387sq green c/s LC-1417 Mi-14PL 1314sq Central Ramp: LC-1409 Mi-14PL 1314sq South Ramp: LC-1422 Mi-14PL std no rotors LC-1425 Mi-14PL std no rotors LC-14.. Mi-14PL std, no rot LC-1423? LC-1405 Mi-14PL 1314sq LC-1414 Mi-14PL 1314sq LC-1407 Mi-14PL 1314sq LC-1411 Mi-14PL 1314sq Ramp, western part (AS332 hangar): 8217 Mi-8T 1328sq 8229 Mi-8T 1328sq 8101 Mi-8T 1328sq Unpaved ramp (northern row): LC-1401 Mi-14PL std no rotors LC-14.. Mi-14PL std no rotors LC-14.7? Mi-14PL std LC-14.. Mi-14PL std no rotors LC-1414? Mi-14PL std LC-1404 Mi-14PL std no rotor LC-1418 Mi-14PL std no rotors LC-1424 Mi-14PL std no rotors LC-14.. Mi-14PL std no rotors LC-14.. Mi-14PL std no rotors LC-1422? Mi-14PL std LC-1403 Mi-14PL std no rotors Unpaved ramp (western edge): 8222 Mi-8T 1328sq 8114 Mi-8T 1328sq Ramp, western part: LC-1408 Mi-14PL std Unpaved ramp (southern row): 8225 Mi-8T std no rotors 8104 Mi-8T std no rotors 8102 Mi-8T std no rotors 8228 Mi-8T std 8224 Mi-8T std red crescent mks 8220 Mi-8T std 8223 Mi-8T std Dispersals: 8340 Mi-8T 1328sq 8109 Mi-8T 1328sq white 8105 Mi-8T 1328sq 8218 Mi-8T 1328sq Mi-8T 8218 dropped some Para jumpers on 8 October and left the airfi eld afterwards. Dump: 22551 F-5A dump 18669/TR-669 T-33A dump +1 3610 L-39ZO dump +2 7590 B47G dump +1
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