Show Reports

Wincrange 1994

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Date: 23/24 July 1994

Made by: Martijn van den Akker jr., Alex Smit, Peter Roumen

Updated: 1 August 2002

A109HA           H-39           18Btn.
Wessex HC.2      XZ679/WG       2FTS
AH-1F            81-23533       2-227 AVN
OH-58C           70-15495       2-227 AVN
UH-60A           88-26077       2-227 AVN
AH-64A           85-25482       2-227 AVN
BO-105S          LX-REE/D-HEEE  SAMU Luxembourg Air Rescue 	(one a/c, two regs)
Gazelle HT.3     XZ933/T        2 FTS
Mi-8MT           0849           Krystof-7

Mi-24V           0836           51 VRP
Mi-24V           0837           51 VRP
Mi-24V           0838           51 VRP
Mi-24V           0839           51 VRP
Mi-24V           0928           51 VRP
Chinook HC.2     ZA671/BB       18Sqn
Chinook HC.2     ZA674/A        27Sqn
SA316-III        A-324          Grasshoppers 	(24th only)
SA316-III        A-390          Grasshoppers 	(24th only)
SA316-III        A-398          Grasshoppers 	(24th only)
SA316-III        A-453          Grasshoppers 	(24th only)
SA316-III        A-453          Grasshoppers 	(24th only)
SA316-III        A-465          Grasshoppers 	(24th only)

Pleasure flights:
D-HHFS		 Bell 206B	Helicopter Flug Service

Flying only:
BN-2A-21         B-07/LG        SLV
F-16A            FA-107         1 Sm
CM-170R          MT-14          33 Sm
F-4F             3736           JbG-35
Tornado ECR      4646           Jbg-32
C-160D           5029           LTG-62
Harrier GR.7     ZG512          4Sqn
L-59             0004           11 SLP
Mig-21MF         7711           11 SLP
Mig-23ML         2406           1 SLP
Su-25K           1002           30 BLP 		(23th only)
Su-25K           9013           30 BLP 		(24th only)
F-16C            90-0827/SP     52 FW
F-16C            91-0337/SP     52 FW
Ju-52            D-CDLH         "D-AQUI" Lufthansa
Provost T.1      G-AWPH/33
Spitfire T.9     G-TRIX         "PV202/VZ-M"
Bellanca 7ECA	 LX-AIL		Aerosport Luxembourg
O-1E             LX-PAB         LAVA
PA.18-135        LX-PAA         LAVA ex.PH-KNC
Hawk T.1A        XX227          Red Arrows 	(23th only)
Hawk T.1         XX233          Red Arrows 	(23th only)
Hawk T.1         XX237          Red Arrows 	(23th only)
Hawk T.1A        XX253          Red Arrows 	(23th only)
Hawk T.1A        XX260          Red Arrows 	(23th only)
Hawk T.1A        XX266          Red Arrows 	(23th only)
Hawk T.1         XX294          Red Arrows 	(23th only)
Hawk T.1         XX306          Red Arrows 	(23th only) 
Hawk T.1         XX308          Red Arrows 	(23th only)
Su-27UB          18 bleu        Russian Knights (24th only)
Su-27UB          19 Bleu        Russian Knights (24th only)
CASA 1.131E      D-ELEB/91      ex.E.3B-528 	(24th only)                         

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