Show Reports

Luqa 2004

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Date: 25/26 September 2004

Made by: Scramble, Mark McEwan, Andy Marden


AT12			Alpha Jet 1B+	1w              
AT18	                Alpha Jet 1B	1w		spec mks
61+10	                Br1150		MFG3                    
45+41		        Tornado IDS	MFG2		sat only (sun flightline)
45+49	                Tornado IDS	MFG2		sun only (sat flightline)
E152/314-LO		Alpha Jet E	EAC00.314
375/4-CL	        Mirage 2000N	EC03.004 
MM81158/9-11	        AB212AM		MIATM		9ºSt mks 
MM7155/32-05	        AMX	        13ºGr           
MM7180/32-20	        AMX	        13ºGr		spec mks
MM7266			F-16B	        18ºGr           
MM62205			P180M	        71ºGr           
MM7050/36-34		Tornado IDS	156ºGr            
MM7075/36-53	        Tornado IDS	156ºGr            
MM5021N/6-20	        SH-3D		3ºGrupelicot              
MM81116/6-31	        SH-3H		3ºGrupelicot              
MM81389/GF-140	        A109A-II	Guardia di Finanza
MM81507/GF-219	        AB412HP		Guardia di Finanza        
MM62166/GF-14	        ATR42-400MP	2ºGr EM/GdF       
PS-105		        AB212		5º RV Polizia di Stato    
J-515		        F-16AM		322sq		323sq mks         
J-068		        F-16BM		322sq                     
ZH895		        Chinook HC2A	18sq              
ZH656/104	        Harrier T10	20(R)sq           
ZA543/FO	        Tornado GR4	12sq              
ZD719/BS	        Tornado GR4	14sq              
900530		        C-26D		Sigonella	Sun only  
165349/JW	        C-130T		VR-62		Sun only          
AS7201		        AB47G-2		2nd Regt                  
AS9618		        SE3160		2nd Regt                  
AS9819		        BN-2B-26	2nd Regt          
AS0020		        Bulldog T1	2nd Regt          

45+30			Tornado IDS	MFG2		spec mks
45+43		        Tornado IDS	MFG2            
E103/314-UA	        Alpha Jet E	EAC00.314       
E169/314-LE	        Alpha Jet E	EAC00.314       
100		        N262E		28F		Sun only        
MM81207		        AB212AM		MIATM                   
CSX7158/RS-12	        AMX		311ºGr RSV              
MM62152/RS-45	        G222TCM		311ºGr RSV              
MM55078/RS-29	        MB339CD		311ºGr RSV              
MM7057/36-54	        Tornado IDS	156ºGr          
I-DPCF/23	        CL415		SOREM                   
J-016		        F-16AM		323sq		spec mks        
J-055		        F-16AM		322sq                   
L-04, L-11	        PC-7		131EMVOsq               
ZA704		        Chinook HC2	18sq            
ZD380/28	        Harrier GR7	4sq             
ZD407/36	        Harrier GR7	20(R)sq		spec mks
XX481/CU-560	        Jetstream T2	750sq           
XX488/CU-562	        Jetstream T2	750sq           
ZA111/CU-565	        Jetstream T2	750sq           
AS9211	        	SA316B		2nd Regt
AS9212	        	SA316B		2nd Regt	(mornings: static)                
AS9315		        SA316B		2nd Regt                

And the Frecce Tricolori with the following MB339As:
MM54485/0	MM54500/1	MM54480/2	MM54475/3
MM54546/4	MM54486/5	MM55052/6	MM54542/7
MM54473/8	MM54477/9	MM54505/10

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