Show Reports

Luqa 2005

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Date: 24/25 September 2005

Made by: Scramble, Ronald Stevelink, Peter Rozendal


61+11			Br1150		MFG3
68-0506			F-4E		337 MPK		spec mks
MM80745/PS-45		A109A-II	9°RV Bari-Palese
MM81389/GdiF-140	A109A-IIGdF	Centro di Aviazione
MM81207			AB212AM		MIATM	 	Sun only *
MM81507/GF-219		AB412HP		Centro di Aviazione
MM62166/GF-14		ATR42-400MP	2°Gr
MM5021N/6-20		SH-3D		3°Grupelicot
MM81186/6-35		SH-3D		3°Grupelicot
MM25157			P166DL3-APH	71°Gr		spec mks
CSX25172/GF-02		P166DP1		1ºGr
MM62199			P180AM		71°Gr
LX-N90443		E-3A		NAEW&CF
J-021			F-16AM		312sq
J-192			F-16AM		311sq
ZH664/112		Harrier T10	20(R)sq
XX185			Hawk T1		208(R)sq
XX231			Hawk T1W	FRADU
XX312			Hawk T1W	208(R)sq
XX325/CT		Hawk T1		FRADU
ZA601/O			Tornado GR4	2sq
ZE116/X			Tornado GR4A	13sq
86-0109/-		B-1B		9th BS
162347/426		SH-60B		HSL-42
AS7201			AB47G-2		2nd Regiment
AS9819			BN-2B-26	2nd Regiment
AS0020			Bulldog T1	2nd Regiment
AS9315			SA316B		2nd Regiment
F-ZBCE/42		CeF406		Douanes
(G-ETME)		N1002		as "KG+EM"	*
G-MKVB			Spitfire 5b	ex BM597	*
G-HURI "Z5140"		Hurricane XII	ex Canada 5547	*
* = also flying

Flightline 1:
50+40			C-160D	LTG61	arr Sun
50+81			C-160D	nn	dep Sat
17/5-OZ, 36/5-OC	Mirage 2000C	EC02.005
J-055			F-16AM		306sq		spec mks
J-642			F-16AM		311sq
ZD435/47		Harrier GR7	20(R)sq
ZG472/62A		Harrier GR7A	20(R)sq
XX205			Hawk T1A	208(R)sq	spec mks
XX309			Hawk T1		208(R)sq	spec mks
XZ103, XZ112		Jaguar GR3A	41sq		spec mks
ZG774/WK		Tornado F3	56(R)sq

Flightline 2:
ZH866			Hercules C4	LTW
86-0133/DY		B-1B		9th BS
I-DPCF/23		CL-415		SOREM

And the Red Arrows with the following Hawk T1(#)/T1A/T1W($)s:
XX179$	XX227	XX233#	XX237#	XX253	XX260
XX264	XX266	XX292$	XX294#	XX306	XX308#

Far side/elsewhere:
R88/61-ZF		C-160R		ET03.061	Sat only
AS0021, AS0023		Bulldog T1	2nd Regiment
AS9516			BN-2B-26	2nd Regiment

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