Show Reports

De Kooy 1986 (2)

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Date: 20 June 1986

Made by:


261/K,262/K,264/K,265/K		UH-14A         	7/860Sqn
266/PH,273,                     SH-14B          7/860Sqn
276,277,279,280/EV              SH-14C          7/860Sqn
281/PH,283                      SH-14C          7/860Sqn
12410                           CH-124          423Sqn
ZA127/504                       Sea King HAS5  	810Sqn

308/V                           P-3C            320Sqn
J-198                           F-16A           315Sqn
J-208                           F-16B           315Sqn
K-3060                          NF-5A           314Sqn
XV228/28                        Nimrod MR2P    	Kinloss wing

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