Show Reports

Eindhoven 1987

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Date: 16 May 1987

Made by: Martin Herbert


MT35              CM170R             33Sm BAF 
BA56              Mirage 5BA         1W BAF 
133094            CT133N             1CAG CAF 
E158/314-LR       Alpha Jet E        GE314 FAF 
XV789/07          Harrier GR3        1sq RAF 
XV107/H           Jaguar GR1         41sq RAF 
AT-157            Sk35XD             Esk729 RDAF 
J-250             F16A               323sq RNLAF 
K-3061            NF5A               314sq RNLAF 
K-4017            NF5B               314sq RNLAF 
80-0145/WR        A10A               92TFS USAF 
40+58             Alpha Jet E        JBG43 WGAF 
37+46             F4F                JBG35 WGAF 
43+36             Tornado IDS        JBG38 WGAF 
B-71/PH-MLM       AT16ND             SVGR civil RNLAF c/s 
197/PH-GRY        S11-1              SVGR civil RNLAF c/s 

XZ993/11          Harrier GR3        1sq RAF 

K-3070            NF5A               314sq RNLAF 

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