Date: 9-11 August 2001
Made by: Scramble, Sven Scheffers, Arno Cornelissen
Static: A-275 SE3160 300sq B-67 Bo105CB instr 9th B-75 Bo105CB 299sq 10th B-77 Bo105CB 299sq D-102 CH-47D 298sq Q-01 AH-64D 302sq R-03* AB412SP 303sq PH-DHC "S-9" * DHC-2 KLu Hist Flt PH-IIB 'B-118' AT-16 KLu Hist Flt 10th PH-KNR 'R-177' * PA-18-135 KLu Hist Flt 9th PH-TBR "FS668" * Harvard IIB KLu Hist Flt 9th * = also flying Elsewhere/Flying: 5605 An-24V 32 DK L-07 PC-7 131(EMVO)sq Q-05, Q-14 AH-64D 302sq 10th Q-09 AH-64D 301sq U-03 F-60UTA-N 334sq N4109C T-6C private PH-GAU 'R-181' L-21B KLu Hist Flt 10th PH-GAZ 'R-109' L-21B KLu Hist Flt 10/11th PH-GRB 'E-20' S-11-1 KLu Hist Flt 11th PH-HOI 'E-32' S-11-1 KLu Hist Flt 10/11th PH-KLU "XS-249" AT-16 KLu Hist Flt 11th PH-LSK 'B-64' AT-16 KLu Hist Flt 10/11th PH-NGK 'R-18' Auster AOP3 KLu Hist Flt 11th PH-OUQ "3W-17" Spitfire LF9 KLu Hist Flt 11th PH-PBB L-5B KLu Hist Flt 10th PH-PPW 'R-122' PA-18-135 KLu Hist Flt 10/11th PH-RLA Saab 91D SLOL 11th OO-GWA "V66" SV-4C private 10th OO-YUG Z-526M ex YugoslavAF 11th And the Biely Albatrosy with the following L-39Cs: 0112/1 0442/2 0101/4 0111/5 0102/6 0443/7 Flying only: A-301 SE3160 300sq 10th J-016 F-16AM 311sq 9th J-135, J-193 F-16AM 311sq 10th J-204, J-874 F-16AM 311sq 10th J-254 F-16AM 313sq 9th J-269 F-16BM 311sq 10th J-058, J-362 F-16AM 315sq 11th L-04 PC-7 131(EMVO)sq 9th N320SQ "232511" TB-25N DoBAF 11th Bo105CBs in 299 squadron hangar (on Thursday): B-39, B-41, B-44, B-47, B-64, B-68, B-69, B-75, B-78 en B-80 AH-64DNs in 301 squadron hangar (on Thursday): Q-04, Q-08, Q-10, Q-15 en Q-16 The Q-15 and Q-16 were also flying on Saturday. Elsewhere: B-42 Bo105CB preserved "B-00" Bo105CB half frame B-184 AT-16 stored D-8062 F-104G preserved G-29 Beech D18S under restoration P-191 F-84F preserved K-3003 NF-5A pres as "K-3066"
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