Show Reports

Schaarsbergen 1996

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Date: 8 June 1996

Made by: Scramble


B-66                  Bo105CB      299sq
D-663                 CH-47D       298sq
S-400                 AS532U2      300sq
87-0457               AH-64A       A-1/1st Avn

Soccerfield LETS:
2327/AIP              AS532M1      4 RHCM
A-301                 Alouette 3   302sq
B-77                  Bo105CB      299sq
D-665                 CH-47D       298sq
283                   SH-14D       HELI GRP
87-0476               AH-64A       A-1/1st Avn

Gate-guard LETS:
D-8256                F-104G       312sq mks

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